祝!UNIT13周年!!!今や数万人規模のレイヴとなるパーティー"Hospitality"を開催するUK最強のDRUM&BASSレーベル、Hospital Recordsのボス、ロンドン・エレクトリシティが帰ってくる!そしてデビュー以来19年、ソウル、ジャズ感覚溢れる独自なサウンドで世界を席巻し続け、今年Hospitalと電撃契約、9月に待望のアルバムをリリースするMAKOTOが凱旋!ボスのロンドン・エレクトリシティ、W10 Recordsを主宰するDANNY WHEELER、blockFM/Localize!!からTETSUJI TANAKAとMC CARDZ を迎え、最高品質のUNITサウンド・システムでMAKOTOのプレ・リリースパーティを開催する。
"Fast Soul Music"を標榜するドラム&ベースのトップ・レーベル、Hospitalを率いるLONDON ELEKTRICITYことTONY COLMAN。音楽一家に生まれ、7才からピアノ、作曲を開始した。大学でスタジオのテクニックを学んだ後、'86年にアシッド・ジャズの先鋭グループIZITで活動、3枚のアルバムを残す。'96年に盟友CHRIS GOSSと共にHospitalを発足し、LONDON ELEKTRICITYは生楽器を導入したD&Bを先駆ける。'98年の1st.アルバム『PULL THE PLUG』はジャズ/ファンクのエッセンスが際立つ豊かな音楽性を示し、'03年には2nd.アルバム『BILLION DOLLAR GRAVY』を発表、同アルバムの楽曲をフルバンドで再現する初のライヴを成功させる。’05年の3rd.アルバム『POWER BALLADS』はライヴ感を最大限に発揮し多方面から絶賛を浴びる。’08年には4th.アルバム『SYNCOPATED CITY』で斬新な都市交響楽を奏でる。そしてロングセラーを記録した’11年の名盤『YIKES !』から4年、’15年11月に通算6作目となるスタジオ・アルバム『Are We There Yet?』をリリース、多彩なヴォーカル陣をフィーチャーし、ピアノ、ストリングスといった生音を最大限に活かしたソウルフルな楽曲の数々で最高級のクオリティを見せつけている。
For those that know him and those that don’t, Tony Colman (no ‘e’!) cuts a formidable figure. The co-founder and CEO of Hospital Records and sister label Med School, mastermind behind the multi award-winning Hospital podcast, producer and vinyl-only DJ, has been instrumental in the development of D+B as we know it today.
Responsible for some of Hospital’s biggest anthems, such as “Billion Dollar Gravy”, “Different Drum” and “Just One Second”, London Elektricity has cultivated a first class reputation as both a producer and DJ and continues to push the genre he fell in love with in the mid 1990s to this day. With an impressive back catalogue of singles, EPs, remixes and no less than five artist studio albums and two live albums under his belt, London Elektricity is an undisputed legend in the D+B scene with legions of fans and a global following. His debut album “Pull The Plug” was released on Hospital in 1999, with the follow up “Billion Dollar Gravy” in 2003 and “Power Ballads” in 2005.
Between 2003 and 2005 Tony fronted London Elektricity Live with jazz/soul legend Liane Caroll, vocalist MC Wrec, co-producer Landslide and The Jungle Drummer. Touring everywhere from Birmingham to Brazil, they released two DVDs – “Live Gravy” (2005) and “Live At The Scala” (2007).Returning to the studio in 2008 London Elek created his fourth studio album “Syncopated City” followed by album number five, “Yikes!” in 2011, which features the vocal talents of Swedish vocalist Elsa Esmeralda and was launched at the iconic Hospitality Brixton. In 2014 Tony also worked on an exciting project, alongside S.P.Y and Diane Charlemagne, creating the soundtrack for the incredible Street Child World Cup in Rio – “I Am Somebody”.
In recent years London Elektricity has continued to push the boundaries of drum & bass with his talented roster of artists signed to the ever-growing label that is Hospital. This year celebrating an impressive 21 years in the game with an equal number of artists across two labels, publishing house Songs In The Key Of Knife, talent agency Clinic Talent and an extensive merchandise range. He’s also managed to fit in enough time in the studio to work on music most recently releasing his incredible sixth studio album, “Are We There Yet?” which goes hand-in-hand with the ‘Med School Scans’ remix album.
In 2016 Tony took on a huge challenge, to step back in front of the crowd not only as a DJ but also as a live musician. He’s transformed his signature jazz infused drum & bass into a spectacular live big brass band featuring our resident hype man Dynamite MC, jazz legend Liane Carroll, drummer, MD and arrangement extraordinaire Steve Pyrcroft, newcomer Emer and members of the Riot Jazz Brass Band, all debuted at the very first Hospitality In The Park. After such a triumphant success London Elek continues to take to the stage on his bass guitar with Big Band performances planned at Glastonbury Festival, Pahoda Festival, Audioriver, Let It Roll and back where it all started on September 23rd for Hospitality In The Park 2017.
★MAKOTO (Human Elements / HE:Digital)
Drum&Bassのミュージカル・サイドを代表するレーベルLTJ BukemのGood Looking Recordsの専属アーティストとして98年にデビュー以来、ソウル、ジャズ感覚溢れる感動的な楽曲を次々に生み出し、これまでに、2枚のアーティストアルバム『Human Elements』(2003年)、『Believe In My Soul』(2007年)、その他 DJ MarkyのInnerground, FabioのCreative Source, DJ ZIncのBingo, London ElektricityのHospital ,CIA, Liquid VなどのUK主要Drum&Bassレーベルより、12インチシングル、EP、リミックス、コンピレーションへの参加などで数々の楽曲を発表している。DJとしては、2枚のミックスCD 『Progeression Sessions 9 – Live in Japan 2003』, 『DJ Marky & Friends Presents Makoto』をこれまでに発表し、世界30カ国、100都市以上を周り、数千、数万のクラウドを歓喜させ、その実⼒を余すところなく証明し続けている。まさに日本を代表し、世界的にもDrum&BassのトップDJ/Producerである。
Makoto Shimizu, more widely known simply as “Makoto”, is a testament to the international scope and power of electronic music. Born, raised and still based in Tokyo, Makoto was influenced at a young age by a wide variety of music ranging from classical to soul and funk. Upon hearing the soundtrack to The Last Emperor by the academy award-winning composer Ryuichi Sakamoto, Makoto was so inspired that he made a life-changing decision – to pursue a career in music.
He went on to complete an Acoustic Engineering major at Nippon University, and having been introduced to drum and bass through listening to the radio shows of Giles Peterson on Kiss FM and BBC Radio 1, Makoto began experimenting with the genre through his own compositions. To him the appeal of this relatively new form of music was simple – drum and bass was just “very futuristic and cool”. His productions were of such quality that they caught the attention of none other than the legendary LTJ Bukem, who went on to sign Makoto to his seminal Good Looking Records imprint in 1999.
To paraphrase a lyric from one of his most famous tracks, music has never let Makoto down. Since that fateful signing in 1999, Makoto has gone on to be one of the most highly respected artists in the genre, pushing his unique blend of fast breaks and soul-drenched music to every corner of the globe as both a DJ and a producer. His discography includes 2 LPs, Live DJ Mix, a large number of EPs and numerous tracks featured on the world famous “Earth” and “Progression Sessions” compilation albums. Some of his most notable releases include his debut album “Human Elements”, which was released in 2003 and was widely praised for bringing the feeling of 70s soul music into the 21st century, and “Progression Sessions: Japan Live 2003”, which introduced his dynamic musical partnership with talented female vocalist Deeizm to the world. He achieved industry-wide acclaim through his powerful collaboration with LTJ Bukem’s ever present stage partner MC Conrad in 2005 through “Golden Girl”. The track was widely praised and played by DJs across the many sub-genres of drum and bass and became a certified genre anthem all over the world.
Incidentally, Golden Girl and 2nd Album “Believe In My Soul” were to be one of Makoto’s final releases for Good Looking Records. With a slightly different direction and more creative freedom in mind, Makoto began to release music for other labels such as DJ Zinc‘s Bingo Beats, London Elektricity‘s Hospital Records, Fabio‘s Creative Source and of course, DJ Marky‘s Innerground Records. His musical connection with Marky runs deep, and was solidified with his very own mix cd released on Marky’s label in 2009 titled “DJ Marky & Friends presents Makoto”. The pair went on to collaborate and release a number of tracks together the most recent being the 12 inch single “Aquarius / Good Old Days”.
Alongside this hefty release timeline and a touring schedule jam-packed with gigs across Asia, Europe, UK and USA, Makoto has been busy setting up his own label – HE:Digital. Focusing mainly on digital releases, the label has given Makoto an opportunity to not only release his own material, but that of others as well. In 2010 he released the compilation album “HE:Possibilities” through the label. The release was aimed at drawing attention to up and coming producers from Japan. More recently, he was proud to put out the charity compilation album “Something We Can Do” where all profits were donated to the Red Cross in Japan to help the victims of the tragic tsunami and earthquake which struck the country.
Together with these releases, the full-length album for brand new label Human Elements titled “Souled Out” featured many talented vocalists and session musicians, and is a culmination of the breadth of experience and talent Makoto brings to each track which credits his name.
2017 sees the next chapter for Makoto, signing exclusive to Hospital Records he kicks off the year with a brand new track ‘Speed Of Life’ on our celebratory ‘We Are 21’ compilation. There is no doubt this year will definitely be another milestone in the prolific musician’s already widely acclaimed career.
2000年代に出現した、現在UKドラム&ベースを代表するDJ/プロデューサーの一人。'04年、InfraredからSUB FOCUSとの共作"Ghost/Lost Highway"でデビュー、UKダンスチャート5位に入るヒットとなる。'05年には自身のレーベル、W10 Recordsを立ち上げ、自作の"Aura"、BROOKES BROTHERSとの共作"Blue Light"のカップリング盤をリリース。'08年にはBLU JAMESのヴォーカルをフィーチャーした"100 Times/Stargate"、09年にはハウス・ディーヴァ、KATHY BROWNを迎えた"Money/Airforce"を発表し、彼の音世界は昇華する。10年にはAZYMUTH等のブラジル音楽をリミックスした『THE BRAZIL PROJECT』(Far Out)を手掛ける。ロンドンのクラブ、Herbalでレーベル・ナイト"W10"を開催する他、Fabricでの"Bukem in Session"に客演する等、DJとしても活躍中。
Danny Wheeler is an international DJ and drum & bass producer from west London. Danny Wheeler's debut; "Ghost & Lost Highway", launched him and co-producer, Sub Focus, into the Top 5 of the UK Dance Charts and Top 20 of the Indie Charts.He was featured in the Guinness Book of Records as one of the DJs who broke the world record for the most DJs to consecutively mix one record, live on BBC Radio. Wheeler is also the owner of W10 Records.
日本のドラムンベース界を代表するトップDJとしてジャンルを超え、シーンを牽引しているTETSUJI TANAKA - DJ/Producer/Radio Personality。4decks masterと称されるフリー・インプロヴィゼーションを駆使した匠の域に到達しているミックスマスターである。90年代中期そのキャリアをスタートさせ、DJキャリア18年を誇る。2001 - 2004年のロンドン在住でのDJ及び音楽活動後、日本のドラムンベース/ベースミュージック・シーンを代表する最高峰”DBS”のトップ・レジデントを長らく務め、全国の大小あらゆる主要クラブでのヘッドライナーや国内、海外の大型フェスに多数出演。各シーンの代表格らが番組を持つインターネットラジオ局block.fmの看板番組で国内唯一のオフィシャル・ドラムンベース人気番組Localize!!のメインパーソナリティーを毎週水曜日5年間以上務めているジャパニーズ・ドラムンベース界のアイコンDJである。
TT & NAVE名義で楽曲、リミックスワークも数多く手掛け、 2011年ユニット結成後、翌年fragrance recordsよりデビューシングル「Northern Point」をリリース。リミックスワークは、柴咲コウのgalaxias! / Boys & Girlsのオフィシャル・リミックス、m-flo / All I Want Is You (TT & NAVE Remix)などメジャー・ワークスから環ROY,日之内エミ x Cook Classics / Flow (TT & NAVE REMIX)が異例の大ヒットを記録。立て続けにFLASH CUBEよりnouvo nude / AOB(ft. Mayu Bingo)(TT & NAVE REMIX)やRAM / S.C.A ft. Mayu Wakisaka(TT & NAVE REMIX)がクラブアンセム化している。海外リリースでは、世界中のチャートを席巻したTIESTOとの共作「Just Be」などを手掛けてきたUKを代表するナショナル・クラブ・シンガーKirsty Hawkshaw主宰のレーベルWELLHEAD RECORDSよりTOBIAS ZALDUA / Let It Go with Kirsty Hawkshaw(TT & NAVE REMIX)をリリースするなど国内外で活躍を続けている。そして2014年10月に日之内エミ、DMC世界5連覇KIREEK、海外からNINJA TUNEのPEST、電子音楽の奇才Morley Robertsonなど国内外豪華共演者を多数フィーチャリングした1stアルバム「encode」をelenic productionsより発表!
1999年より新宿Liquid RoomでVJとしてのキャリアをスタート。現在はメDrum & Bass SessionsモのVJとして活動中。DVJを巧みに操り、
Laurent Garnier、LTJ Bukem、Silver Applesなど数多くの海外アーティストと共演。
クラブ・フィールド以外では、2008年6月にラスベガスで行われた、村上隆氏のLouis Vuitton Monogram Historyのモーション・グラフィック、グラミー賞のオープニング映像、エミー賞のオープニング映像などのアート・ディレクションを担当している。
★The Spilt Ink.
Born: ’77. LOCATION: Detroit. BLOOD TYPE: Black. OBJECTIVE: Rock a party by painting the most inspiring and creative paintings possible using music as fuel.
HISTORY: Painted live in countless events in Detroit, San Francisco, Athens, Amsterdam, Berlin and Tokyo.
EQUIPMENT: Black-lights, paint,
- 2017-07-21 FRI
- 23:30
- 3,500円
- feat.
MAKOTO (Hospital Records, Human Elements, JAPAN)
host: MC CARDZ (Localize!!, JAPAN)
Painting: The Spilt Ink.
