
The Mysterious Man From ?

The Mysterious Man From ?

Word and Sound流通の元謎のレ―ベルCTFによる第一弾。ロ―テンポの一曲目とふざけた名前の2曲目Tekkkno。どちらもおすすめだ。

This is just such a two-sided fucker of a gut punch debut. CTF is like a UFO which landed in the middle of Disney land, annihilating all the phony shit around it with lasers switched on „kill“. A totally unprecedented surprise of a vinyl date rape without a date or a warning. These two tracks are genre defining and genre defying. Forget House 2010, forget those nice postcards stuck in your mirror, forget the sounds they bore drug zombies with nowadays. This is the real future perpetual funk – out of nowhere. Just a big smelly chubby chunk of energy made right on your plate before your nose. „Tekkkno“? They should call a genre after this track! Actually a nice word to capture this serious Detroit roughness. „Sector 3“? What a nuclear propeller of an automotive tune! The questions remain: Who is the Mysterious Man From ? Where in hell is this 900 pound meat mountain from? What does CTF stand for?