
毎回驚異的な動員と盛り上がり、そしてド派手な会場演出で大きな話題をさらってきた「2E2L」に世界的天才プロデュー サー"SEBASTIEN LEGER"登場!!
立ち上げから僅か2年余りで200タイトル超という怒濤の勢いでリリースを重ね、急成長で国内外から大注目のTOKYO発ダンスミュージック レーベル「2E2LRecordings」。その「今」をとらえた秀逸な楽曲群は業界内外から熱い注目を浴び、支持と評価は高まる一方だ。「今」にこだわる2E2Lが総力を 挙げるビッグパーティ!

The most talked about parties in the scene, “2E2L” has been attracting astonishing number of audiences every time with their incredible performances. This time, the legendary international producer "SEBASTIEN LEGER" will appear at “2E2L” party!!!

Releasing over 200 titles in just two years after its establishment,2E2L Recordings is the Tokyo based dance music label that attracts attention worldwide. 2E2L has gained support and recognition from in and out of the industry for its remarkable titles which captures the theme of the moment.
Committing to offer the “moment”, this is the party to experience the heat of 2E2L!
If you are dance music fan with the heart to experience the creation of new culture, don’t miss this night!!!