BUTTERFLY EFFECT vol2 callicore sorana

前回のパーティーから9ヶ月を経て、BUTTERFLY EFFECTがダンスフロアに帰ってきます!前回同様国内外で活躍するDJ陣に加えて、アンダーグラウンドで活躍する本物の音楽家が今回もフロアを熱くしてくれます!

更に、今回のスペシャルゲストには、shing02のlive djとしても知られるDJ A-1が登場!類稀なるターンテーブルスキルと、クラウドを熱狂の渦に巻き込む選曲はまさに唯一無二。

It's been for while since last paty and we announce all of party lovers that BUTTERFLY EFFECT is back to dance floor finally!
As last one great djz,some of whom are crouds favorites,others who are djing arround huge clubs in tokyo and some of real music creator based on tokyo underglound they all mixed into one great fun party.Don't miss what will be another fun and crazy party!

We gonna have a special guest DJ A-1 he is also known as a live dj for shing02.