5.4 Mon WORLD CLASS featuring JAUZ ( MAD DECENT )


世界最大のDJバトル『DMC World Final 2002』において大会史上最高得点というギネスを残し、文字通り圧勝でアジアから初の世界チャンピオンに輝いたDJ KENTARO。
そして、『RedBull Thre3Style 2013』で初出場ながら史上最年少かつ開催国外DJ初となる世界制覇を成し遂げたSHINTARO。

そしてスペシャルゲストにダンスミュージックシーンの新しいムーヴメントの代表といっても過言ではないDIPLOやDJ SNAKEらが所属するMAD DECENTクルーから世界中が熱い視線を送るJAUZが登場!
“music has no boundaries”をモットーに自身のヒット曲「Feel the volume」を引っさげ、世界最大級のフェス「ULTRA MIAMI」にもラインナップされるなど注目を浴びる新星がageHaを舞台に世界の「今」を放つ!



All of y'all gotta check out the winner of the WORLD CLASS DJ BATTLE at ageHa!

The two DJ World Champions will be battling at ageHa for the first time.

The Guinness Certified man, DJ Kentaro, was obviously selected as he left an astonishing result with the highest score at the Worlds famous DMC World Final 2002.

Going against DJ Kentaro is the man who became the world champion at the youngest age ever, and the first foreign DJ to win at the Redbull Thre3Style 2013, SHINTARO.

Japan's leading DJ's will finally compete their Turn Table skills at ageHa.

Please welcome our special guest, JAUZ, who has been the center of attention by the pioneers of modern dance music, DIPLO and DJ Snake belonging in the MAD DECENT crew.

With his motto "Music Has No Boundaries" and with his TOP HIT track, "Feel the Volume", you CANNOT miss out on the ULTRA MIAMI selected JAUZ's performance at ageHa!

The DJ battle between the hottest man receiving countless offers from the world Is finally executed at ageHa!

Don't miss out! Come join our WORLD CLASS PARTY, and enjoy the World's TOP DJ performance!