UP BEAT!SoundworksPresents HOUSE TRIBE

今年から始まっているロングラン HOUSE PARTY、UP BEAT!Soundworks が新たに仕掛ける HOUSE TRIBE も今回でいよいよ3回目を迎える。今回のゲストには、カナダのテックトライバルを主体にリリースを重ね、 BEAT PORT のチャート上位常連の D-UNITY が1年振りに WOMB に帰還する!
毎回多彩なアーティストと HOUSE TRIBE の起こす化学反応に、期待が高まる。

The long-running HOUSE PARTY, UP BEAT!Soundworks, which started up this year, will be embarking on HOUSE TRIBE again, the long-awaited third edition of this party. Our guest this time will beD-UNITY, who's returning to WOMB for the first time in a year! D-UNITY has heaps of mainly techno tribal releases and is is frequently found at the top of BEAT PORT's charts.
We've got high hopes for the chemical reactions caused by HOUSE TRIBE and the colorful artists at each of these parties.