過去3年間、6回に渡る来日公演にてここ日本でも爆発的にファンを増やし、ワールドワイドにはSONAR FESTIVAL, ULTRA MUSIC FESTIVAL , EDCなどへの出演や、BeatportのTechno Best 5 Artistにもノミネートされ、もはや説明不要の’カタルーニャの太陽’ こと「DOSEM」 。 2016年、「DOSEM」は自身の音楽性の本質を‘より自由’に体現すべく、レーベル「HOUSTRIKE」をスタート。ここ日本では彼のスペシャルな日本への思いから「HOUSTRIKE」を彼自身がプレゼンテーションする為のプレミアム公演、JAPAN TOURの開催が決定した。 東京では表参道に昨年オープンした話題のヴェニューARCにて開催する。
迎え撃つ日本勢はWOMBなどで開催され、シーンを賑わしてきた人気Tech House パーティー「WEAVES」のプロデューサーであり、「DOSEM」とのコラボレーションで知られる「U:ICHI」やChristian Smithが運営する老舗レーベルTRONICからのリリースなど、日本のみならずワールドワイドなTechnoシーンで活躍する「DRUNKEN KONG」などが参加し、日本のTechno ,Tech Houseシーンと世界をリンクさせるに相応しい充実のLINE UPとなっている。またARC roomを極上のLoungeへと昇華させるべく東京シーンを知り尽くした「SHOTARO MAEDA」や昨年話題を呼んだ山中湖の野外フェスSAWAGI FESTIVALのプロデューサーである「TSUTOMU」がクレジットされているのも見逃せない点だろう。


「DOSEM」 からの東京シーンへの新たな提案を見逃さず体感して欲しい。

“DOSEM”- the Sun of Catalonia, become explosively popular and has expanded his fan base drastically with his continuous appearance in Japan which totals 6 times within the last 3 years. His success became unshakable worldwide with his performances at SONAR FESTIVAL, ULTRA MUSIC FESTIVAL, EDC as such and he was also nominated the Techno Best 5 Artist by Beatport. In 2016, he established his own label “HOUSTRIKE”. The aim of the label is to give him a base to express core of his creativity freely and without boundaries.
Due to his deep affection towards Japan, he has decided to hold a special premium gigs as Japan tour to present “HOUSTRIKE” himself. The Tokyo gig will be held at newly opened hot venue in Omotesando, ARC TOKYO.

The counter performers from Japan side is “U:ICHI”, who is the producer of popular Tech House party “WEAVES” which was held at clubs such as WOMB and enlivening the scene with his collaboration with DOSEM. And also, “DRUNKEN KONG” who has released tracks from long-established label by Christian Smith, TRONIC and actively performing not only in Japan but internationally. This is without a doubt the best lineup to link the Japanese Tech House scene and the world. On top of that, keep an eye out for the presence of “SHOTARO MAEDA” who will turn the ARC room into a superior space with his abundant knowledge of Tokyo scene and “TSUTOMU” a producer of an outdoor music festival SAWAGI FESTIVAL held at Yamanaka Lake last year, which drew huge attention.
Has there ever been a label showcase which was to present the newly launched label by a renowned international artist in the Tokyo club scene in the past?
This is the premium party. Don’t miss this invitation to experience the new proposal from DOSEM to Tokyo music scene!!