
今年で第5回目となるGLOBAL ARK 2016が玉川キャンプ村にて6月4日(土) - 5日(日)に渡って開催決定。昨年の大成功により今年は初登場のDJ/アーティストも多く、新たな展開に発展したラインナップとなっている。都内を中心に全国で活躍するレジェンドから新進気鋭のDJまで豪華共演のバトンリレーをご期待ください。

また、海外からはディープテクノ、ミニマルのレーベル、Aconito Recordsを主宰し、自身の作品を中心にGiorgio Gigli、Deepbass、Obtane、Claudio PRC、Nessなどの数々の良質なトラックをリリースするNAX ACIDが初来日を果たします。そして去年のGLOBAL ARKで素晴らしいプレイを披露してくれた、Eduardo De La Calleが再来日決定!今年に入ってから、CadenzaよりANIMA ANIMUS EPとスイスの老舗レーベルMENTAL GROOVEから、CD、デジタル、12インチでのフルアルバムをリリース。12インチバイナルは豪華6枚組ボックスセット!まさに今絶好調のEduardoは必見・必聴です!

さらに今年は3つのエリアにDJブースが設けられ、更なるパワーアップを目指しました!そして充実のフードコート。今年も様々なメニューを用意しており、自然の中でいただく料理は格別なものとなるでしょう。近くには日帰り温泉施設小菅の湯もございます。踊り疲れたらこちらに立ち寄るのも楽しみのひとつになるかもしれません。梅雨入り前の絶好の季節に山々の自然と最新のTechno/House/Dance Musicをお楽しみください。皆さまのご参加を心よりお待ちしてます。


早割ペアチケット 1枚9,000円(2名様ご入場可能+駐車券1枚付き)は3月18日(金)の正午から発売開始。

前売り券 : 5,000円 / 当日 6,000円
駐車場 : 場外駐車場 1,000円 / 場内駐車場 1,500円(場内駐車場が満車になった場合はキャンプ場入口から徒歩4-5分の駐車場になります)
テント1張り : 1,500円

Advanced Ticket 5,000yen / Door 6,000yen
Parking (off-track) : 1,000yen / Parking (in the Camp Site) : 1,500yen
Tent Fee : 1,500yen


〒490-0211 山梨県北都留郡小菅村2202
TEL 0428-87-0601

【Tamagawa Camp Village】
2202 Kosuge-mura, Kitatsuru-gun, Yamanashi-ken, Japan
TEL +81 428 87 0601




Metropolitan Inter-City Expressway / KEN-O EXPWY
・60 minutes by car from KEN-O EXPWY "Hinode IC"
・60 minutes by car from KEN-O EXPWY "Ome IC"
Chuo Expressway
・60 minutes by car from CHUO EXPWY "Otuki IC"
・60 minutes by car from CHUO EXPWY "Uenohara IC"

Shinjuku (JR Chuo Line)→Tachikawa (JR Ome Line)→Okutama→Transfer to the Bus to go Kosuge Onsen.
Take this bus to Tamagawa Bus Stop.
Okutama Bus schedule : 10:35 / 13:35 / 16:35 (Bus traveling outward from Okutama Station)

※ ゴミをなるべく無くすため、飲食物の持ち込みをお断りしておりますのでご協力お願いします。やむおえず出たゴミは各自でお持ち帰りください。
※ 山中での開催ですので、天候の変化や、夜は冷え込む可能性がありますので、各自防寒着・雨具等をお忘れなく。
※ 会場は携帯電波の届きにくい環境となってますのでご了承ください。
※ 違法駐車・立ち入り禁止エリアへの侵入及び、近隣住民への迷惑行為は絶対におやめください。
※ 駐車場に限りがあります、なるべく乗り合いにてお願いします。
※ お荷物・貴重品は、各自での管理をお願いします。イベント内で起きた事故、盗難等に関し主催者は一切の責任をおいません。
※ 天災等のやむ終えない理由で公演が継続不可能な場合、アーティストの変更やキャンセル等の場合においてもチケット料金の払い戻しは出来かねますので何卒ご了承ください。
※ 写真撮影禁止エリアについて。GLOBAL ARKではオーディエンスの皆さまや出演者のプライバシー保護の観点から各ダンスフロアでの撮影を禁止させていただ いております。 そのため、Facebook、Twitter、その他SNSへの写真及び動画の投稿、アップロードも絶対にお控えくださるようお願いします。尚、テントサイト、フードコートなどでの撮影はOKですが、一緒に来た 友人、会場で合った知人など、プライベートな範囲内でお願いします。


The 5th GLOBAL ARK will be held on Saturday 4th June until noon on Sunday 5th. This year, we have many first appearance DJ's and new artists. It's going to be a new epilogue with legendary DJ's who still play in and around Tokyo along with budding artists. Please look forward to their baton relay plays.

From abroad, NAX ACID who head up Aconito Records, deep techno and minimal label, have released various great tracks and join us for the first time in Japan.

Eduardo who played last year in GLOBAL ARK and gave us a truly amazing time is coming back. He has released Avima Abimus EP from Cadenza, 12 inch, CD and digital full album from MENTAL GROOVE, which is well established in Switzerland. welve inch vinyl is a deluxe, 6 vinyl, box set. He’s on excellent form so don’t miss him!

This year, we’ve ramped it up to have 3 areas of?DJ booths. In the food court there will be some incredible cuisines to choose from, it's going to be awesome to enjoy eating in the nature!

There is a drop by hot springs named Kosuge no Yu, that will make you feel refreshed and sooth your tired muscles after all the hard dancing. This will be an unforgettable experience to enjoy new groovy techno/house/dance music before the rainy season begins. You are very welcome to join us!

Eduardo de la Calle (Cadenza / Analog Solution / Hivern Discs / SPA)

Eduardo De La Calle’s status as one of today’s Techno most cutting edge producers and artists has gone hand in hand with his intellectual and spiritual journey: his more than 20 years commitment to making uncompromising music has also seen him embrace multi cultural readings and practice Bhakti yoga on a daily basis, undergoing a process of personal transformation and inner change. Born in Madrid and raised in Cádiz in the Andalucía territory – widely recognised as the heartland of Flamenco – By the lately ’80s, Eduardo was introduced to electronic music through acts like Sisters Of Mercy and New Order, and new wave groups like Neon Judgement ,Snake Corps and Joolz . He was definitely hooked on the exploding Madrid Techno scene and them opened his own record store in Cádiz and bought his first gear. Moving to Barcelona and Berlin were his next steps, until his latest relocation to Granada. The ongoing success of his vinyl-only label, Analog Solutions (Music & Films), and of its spin-offs Suprawax and Edits Rec., has seen him selling 12.000 records in 2 years in an Mp3 and brutal file-sharing dominated industry. Releases on Minus 12, Semantica, Modularz, Non Series, Mule Musiq, Hivern Discs and Cadenza have further elevated his DJ profile, while his thought-provoking documentary Beatz has been premiered in London, featuring interviews with many of the artists whom he has sampled from and collaborated with.

Nax_Acid (Aconito Records / Phorma / Informa / Kontrafaktum / UK, ITA)

Nax_Acid aka Andrea Ruffino, born in 1982, started playing electronic music when he was 17, after hearing classic early Aphex Twin albums. Since then he started collecting vinyl and playing every kind of electronic music from hardcore to electro, from drum & bass to techno. In 2004 he started making deep minimal, acid and Detroit techno influenced tracks. Following his deep interest in music technology, in 2003 he obtained a Diploma in sound engineering, and then he worked in different studios and concerts. In 2005 moved to London from his native Italy and started to work for ‘Disappear Here’ record label (Kompakt). His first release in December 2006, “Friends &Crocodiles”, was well received by the underground London techno scene. During his University course in Sonic Arts he came in contact with different artists and different fields of electronic and sound arts, with new technologies and different ways of creating music. That experience pushed his experimental approach to music forward and he started to shape what his music is today. Since 2007 he has started to realize his own label project, called Aconito Records, a platform in which there was no restriction on sound and creativity for himself and his artists.


早割ペアチケット 1枚9,000円(2名様ご入場可能+駐車券1枚付き)は3月18日(金)の正午から発売開始。