キング・オブ・ポップこと MICHAEL へ愛を込めて…。
出演者全員が MJ に捧げるスペシャルパフォーマンスを披露!!

本格派 EDM パーティー EDM MUSIC FESTIVAL が開催される。しかも、そのタイミングは、あの“キング・オブ・ポップ”ことマイケル・ジャクソンの7周忌前日。そこで今回は、出演者が彼へのリスペクトを捧げる特別なパフォーマンスを披露する。KOO from TRF や KAORI、そして人気沸騰中の現役 OL エレクトロラップ・ユニット のゴンチ、ALISA UENO が、MJ の楽曲を交えたプレイを決行。さらに、オリエンタルラジオによる音楽ユニット RADIO FISH にも参加する実力派ダンサー FISHBOY や、世界トップクラスのビートボクサー Sh0h a.k.a. ”HumanDisco”、CYBERJAPAN DANCERS もステージに登場する。MJ に愛を込めて、人気アーティストが豪華共演!

With lots of love to MICHAEL, the King of Pop...
Announcing a special performance by top artists, popular dancers, and beatboxers in honor of MJ!!

We'll be commemorating the "King of Pop" Michael Jackson, by holding the EDM MUSIC FESTIVAL on the day before the seventh anniversary of his death.
This time around, performers will pay their respects to the king by showcasing spectacular special performances. Artists such as KOO from TRF, who focuses on variety shows, but is also hugely active on TV; the toast of Japan, number-one female artist KAORI;'s Gonchi, who performs frequently on television music programs garnering tons of popularity; and charismatic youth, ALISA UENO, will put on an amazing show interspersed with songs by MJ. On top of that, influential dancer FISHBOY (who also participates in RADIO FISH, the music unit by the popular comedy duo, Oriental Radio, which again made an explosive breakthrough this year), worldwide top beat-boxer Sh0h a.k.a. "HumanDisco", and the bewitching CYBERJAPAN DANCERS will also take the stage.
What's more, for those who come dressed as Michael Jackson on the day of, MEN can enter for ¥2,500 and WOMEN can enter for ¥2,000. (※Even just a black tuxedo and black hat will be OK.)