Mark Flash in Tokyo


Underground Resistance、Galaxy 2 Galaxy、Timeline、Los Hermanos、そして、近年ではMad MikeとのエレクトロユニットDepth Chargeなど、デトロイトテクノとそのスピリットを提唱し続ける数々のプロジェクトに参加してきたMark FlashがContactに登場! モータウンのバンドマンだった父を持ち、幼い頃から音楽環境に囲まれてきたMark Flashは、キーボードとパーカッションの卓越した演奏技術により、単なる打ち込みに終始することのないダイナミックでメロディアスなダンスミュージックを生み出す稀有なプロデューサーだ。今回はその音楽性を余すことなく打ち出すべく、ドラムマシンとパーカッションを駆使したDJセットを披露する。
Underground Resistanceと並びデトロイトテクノの歴史を紡いできたレーベルTransmat唯一の日本人アーティストHiroshi Watanabeと、バンドプロジェクトも手掛けながらDJとしてオーガニックでトライバルな楽曲を主軸に独自の空間を作り出すKaoru Inoueも参加。さらに、ジャパニーズテクノ黎明期を語る上で避けて通ることのできない重要人物DJ Shufflemasterも出演する!

「One of Detroit's heavy hitters brings the Motor City spirit」
As a loyal member of legendary projects like Underground Resistance, Galaxy 2 Galaxy, Timeline, Los Hermanos and most recently Depth Charge, his techno/electro collaboration with "Mad" Mike Banks, Mark Flash has played a pivotal role in the development of Detroit techno and its spirit. Born to a musician for Motown bands, Flash grew equipped with the skill set of keyboard and percussion in a musically rich environment. There are few dance tracks quite like his: he combines emotive melodies and live dynamics with pumping drum sequences. He makes his way to Contact with his drum machine and percussion to let his musicality in full effect.
Stepping up for the occasion is Hiroshi Watanabe, a Japanese producer that came into the fold of another iconic Detroit label Transmat with last year's Multiverse EP. They are joined by Kaoru Inoue, a band man and a DJ whose organic and tribal sets create distinctive flows. Also, DJ Shufflemaster, who helped lay the foundation of early Japanese techno, makes a surprising appearance. With a splendid array of veterans on board, the night only heightens expectations.