2001年にDJとして活動を開始する。より高みを目指し、2006年渡欧。ヨーロッパ各国を周り、中でもイビサでの衝撃はその後の彼に大きな影響を与えた。ユニークな選曲でエッジの効いたミニマルテクノやハウスの音を次々とミキシングするプレイスタイルは安定感抜群で、プレイの度にオーディエンスを確実に魅了する姿はシーンで常に評価を得ている。2008年からRAFT TOKYOメインDJとして活躍しwomb、ageHaなど主要ヴェニューで様々なアーティストとの共演を重ね、2011年東京で行われたDJコンペティション“PATAGONICA”で優勝。南米チリとニューヨークなど3週間におよぶツアーで各都市のパーティーに参加し、近年は海外でのギグも精力的にこなしている。



Having started his music career in the year 2000, KUSDA is currently one of the leading DJs in the Tokyo scene, supported by the hip and culturally creative RAFT TOKYO team of artists and DJs in Japan. After completing his first tour of Europe in 2006, he felt the influences of the minimal and deep house music from artists who performed at famous clubs such as “DC 10” in Ibiza, known as the Mecca of dance music. Since then, he has formed his own unique style, seamlessly mixing the sounds of minimal techno and house with an original edgy vibe.

In 2011 he won 1st place at the PATAGONICA DJ competition in Japan, organized by Parties 4 Peace and was invited to travel to Chile, South America to play with the leading artists in the underground electronic scene in March of 2012.  Following his South American tour, Parties 4 Peace invited him to join the RED DOT RELIEF party organized in New York City with other great producers such as John Selway, Jay Haze and Eric Cloutier.