
Ambos/Snows On Conifer


近年多くの女性DJが活躍するクラブシーンの中で、確かな選曲眼とテクニックで 一際異彩を放つDJaa。幼少の頃から様々なジャンルのdance経験を経て、1997年にR&BのDJを始める。

2005年、DJ unit"you&aa"の結成を機にhouse musicのDJとして活動を再開し大小様々なパーティーからブッキングオファーを受け年間100本近くのブッキングをこなすなど都内を中心に活躍をみせた。解散後の現在も彼女は、そのテクニックに年々更に磨きをかけresidentを務めるparty以外にもcafeやloungeでその場の雰囲気を見事なまでに演出する。

また、dancefloorでplayする彼女は「踊る」ということをsound conceptとして重要視し構築されていくsetはMinimal,Tech Houseを基盤にかつてdancerであった彼女のdanceに込める思いと共にfloorのmoodをくすぐるだろう。


In recent years, more and more female DJ's are emerging on the club scene.

Among these, DJaa stands out for her selection of music and her techniques.

After much dancing experience during her childhood,she started playing music in 1997 as an R&B DJ. In 2005,she met her good friend Yu, whom she would form the DJ unit "you&aa" with,and together they began playing house music.

"you&aa" were booked to play over 100 parties in a year,which included playing at some of Tokyo's top clubs, New Yearsevents, beach partiesand other venues around Tokyo.

Now, she plays alone and has increased her venue range to includecafes and lounges.

DJaa creates an atmosphere anywhere she plays.

When she plays for a dance club, you can feel her background in dancecoming throughthe music and her selection of minimal and tech house beats willtickle the mood on the floor.

When you hear DJaa play, you will feel her passion for the music.