Hiroaki OBA

Ki Records

トラックメーカー / プロデューサー。ライブでは既存の楽曲を演奏するのではなく自身のトラックをパート・音色単位に分解し再構築する。
2010年ロンドンで行われたRed Bull Music Academyに"世界各地から厳選されたDJ、プロデューサー、ミュージシャン60人のうちの1人"として招聘され、その後もツアーやラジオ出演など精力的に活動している。国内ではMetamorphose 2010、SonarSound Tokyo、Typhoon Party 2011に、そして2011年夏には2度目となるヨーロッパツアーを行い、Sonar(バルセロナ)、c/o poppop(ケルン)、STROM(コペンハーゲン)などのフェスティバル、そしてオランダ、(Red Light Radio/アムステルダム)、ドイツ(Dortmunder U/ドルトムント)、スウェーデン (ヨーテボリ、ベクショー), イギリス (Cargo/ロンドン)、デンマーク(PB43/コペンハーゲン)など各地のイベントに出演。
2010年秋より青山OATHにてマンスリーイベント"Licence to Dance"を主催。2011年末、そして2012年にドイツのKi Records、スペインのHair Recordsより作品のリリースを予定している。


Hiroaki OBA is based in Tokyo Japan. He makes House and Techno music and in his live show, he dismantles his own tracks and then recomposes them, like putting puzzles together.
By the influence from his sister, a professional dancer who used to listen to bass-banging dance music next to his room, Hiroaki started to play bass guitar and also his own rock band at high-school and ended up having 2 releases under different bands’ name. After his rock band career finished,he became support member for his friends’ funk and dub bands. Gradually his interest towards electronic music with the sound of synth grew, that led him the way to Hiroaki’s self production.While he started to create project with his friend, he started off his live acts from Laptop Battle in 2008, which was held in Tokyo. In 2010,He became one of the participants of Red Bull Music Academy in London and in the same year, also performed in clubs and radio all over Europe. After coming back to Japan he performed at one of the biggest dance music out door festival Metamorphose, SonarSound Tokyo and well known clubs in Tokyo such as WOMB, eleven, Air and so on. And he also started his own night in a deep basement space called OATH. His night - Licence to Dance - has since grown into a respected party.
2011 is becoming a key year for Hiroaki as he has been on Europe tour and played not only musical festivals such as Sonar in Barcelona, c/o pop in Cologne and STROM in Copenhagen but also at some art-related event like Promo Anime Cut at Dortmunder U in Dortmund. He also has been played at gigs in Netherlands (Red Light Radio in Amsterdam),Sweden (Gothenburg and Vexjo), England (Cargo in London) and Denmark (Copenhagen). Hiro is currently planning new releases from Ki Records and Hair Records.