ami ( SALON )
TECHNOからグルーヴィーなHOUSEやJAZZまで自在に操るプレイスタイルが各方面より高い評価を得ているアーティスト。 大丸東京店、丸の内ハウス、六本木1967、大阪グランフロントの選曲担当のほか、様々なブランドのPRイベントの音楽サポート 等でも活躍中。PARTYチーム『SALON』はCLUBにとどまらず野外Fesのアシスト、百貨店での開催、温泉旅館と常識の枠を超える。
She is music selector who was born in Kyoto. Her music is based on around techno, house and jazz. She has frequently played at department store, restaurant and world famous maison.The party team ゛SALON゛not only play in the club but also supports the outdoor festivals , play at a department store and even at the spring inn.
Their activity's stage overturn the common sense.