Akira Saotome


名古屋生まれ。90年代後半より地元名古屋にてバンド活動をした後にDJへと傾倒し、これまでに様々な国内外のtechno/houseアーティストを迎え入れ共演する。2014年より新たなパーティー[ADDITION]をCLUB MAGOにて主宰しレジデントを務める。更にDJと同時に作曲活動にも専念し、2014年2月イギリスのレーベル[Something Different Again]より4曲入りシングルEP [CASCADE]がリリースされる。その際にはスコットランド発信のBullet Dodge Records Radio Showにも新曲紹介される。そしてMagnum Podcast Series001にてCristianVarelaによるmixにも使われるなど注目を浴び、その他にもMarco Carola,Nic Fanciulii,Thomas Schumacher,dubspeeka,Hernan Cattaneo等幅広いDJ達にプレイサポートされている。


 Akira Saotome is techno DJ, producer and dance music party organizer.From Nagoya (Aich prefecture) in the middle of Japan.

his background of the punk/ hardcore music. Since his career started over decade ago back in 1998 as a hardcore band vocalist.
At that time I went to Techno dance party.Dance music changed my life.Akira has been heavily involved in the techno music industry. I try to weave punk sprits into his own techno music.
Akira is dance music party organizer as well.I djed with Takyu Ishino, Ken Ishi, DJ PI-GE,Johnny D,Christian Burkhardot,D-nocks/Beckers, Anthony Collins. Grey Beck,Pig&Dan Matthew Johnson and many more 
His Organized party name is ”Addition"that's held in Nagoya Japan. Music,live paint,picuture exhibition,visual arts are mixed Cool Art party.
Akira met with Shin Matsura on 2011 We hit it off with each other with similar music sense, taste and style.Akira and Shin have started to make the sound together.
Our first EP [CASCADE] released by [Something Different Again] of UK label on Feb 2014.