Que sakamoto

Huit Etoiles/Roam Recordings/To Rack&Ruin

2014年にイタリア・ミラノの65MQにて日本人初のOpen to Lastの単独ナイトを成功させ、イタリア、ベルリン、イスタンブールを始め海外でも勢力的に活躍している。
  これまでにインドネシア、アジア、アメリカ、ヨーロッパでのツアーを幾度も経験、海外のラジオショーではイタリア・ナポリでの180grからアムステルダムのRed Light Radio,チューリヒのLiving Roomまで全てのラジオショーを和モノオンリーセットで披露。
  UKのTo Rack&RuinからEditを2曲リリースした後、サンフランシスコのRoam RecordingsからリリースしたQue Sakamoto+NT-LaloはBeatportの Indie/Nu Disco Must Hear March 2017 ChartでTop 5となる。
Que Samamotoの所属するHuit Etoilesは、現在VENTに拠点を置き、定期的にイベントを開催している。
Huit EtoilesではLNTG,Crazy P,Sean Johnston,Psychemagik,DJ Rocca,Khidja,Mehmet Aslanなど海外アーティストを招き、 東京のNu Discoシーンを常にリードしている。

  Fusing Japanese and European folk music with disco, Que Sakamoto has created a unique electronic sound which has spread across the globe. 

In 2014 he debuted internationally as the first Japanese DJ to play 'Open to Last' at Milan's 65MQ, followed by shows in Berlin and Istanbul. Since then his popularity has exploded with multiple tours of Asia, Europe and America, and showcasing his Wamono (Japanese style) sets on radio shows including Napoli's 180gr, Amsterdam's Red Light Radio and Zurich's Living Room. 

Following the realese of his tracks 'Mr. Moonlight' and 'Salaut Des Frangines' on To Rack & Ruin's (UK) Edit series, he achieved a Top 5 ranking in Beatport's Indie/Nu Disco Must Hear March 2017 Chart for his track 'Lalo' in collaboration with NT (released on San Fransisco's Roam Recodings).

Back home in Tokyo, he is leading the Nu Disco scene in Japan as a founding member of Huit Etoiles. His events, based in Omotesando's VENT, have featured internationally aclaimed artists such as LNTG, Crazy P, Psychemagik, DJ Rocca, Khidja and Mehmet Aslan and continues to attract the world's best Nu Disco DJs.

With the momentum of his recent 2017 Asia Tour success behind him, he is now preparing for his second 2017 European Tour, with shows in Berlin, Istanbul, Belgium and Italy in September.