Axel Karakasis

Axel Karakasisはギリシャのテクノシーンで最も名の通ったインターナショナルDJ。80年から90年代にテクノミュージックが生まれると、Axelのエレクトロミュージックに大きな変化を与えた。90年代後半にはAxelはアテネのレジデントDJとして名を馳せることとなった。中でも彼のレギュラーパーティーである「Bubbles」でのギリシャトップクラスのDJたちと共に重ねた経験がギリシャ最大のクラブに出演するきっかけにもなり、今ではアテネ、テッサロニキ、ミコノス、クレタなど多数にわたる都市にある最大級のクラブで定期的にDJをしている。Axel Karakasis は常に進化し続ける新しい音を作り出し、世界中のクラバーから高い支持を得ている。



Axel Karakasis is the most recognizable Greek name in the Techno scene. His career is marked by a number of classic themes and a series of appearances that have established him as an international DJ. 
Axel headlines events in some of the best clubs in the world, such as the Rex Club (Paris), Womb (Tokyo), Turnmills (London), tours regularly countries like Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland, Korea, Croatia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Holland and Malta, to name a few, and has appeared in top festivals like Awakenings (Netherlands) Rabac Festival (Croatia), Apokalypsa (Czech Republic), etc.: he keeps exciting crowds all over the world! At present, Axel releases his music in top record labels, like Kombination Research, 1605, Respekt Recordings and others. He was the co-founder of Omega Audio Recordings, which received rave reviews and support by top DJs world-wide. In September 2007, he decided to channel all his energy into his very own brainchild, Remain Records, which is gradually transforming into a brand encompassing both vinyl (Remain Records) and digital (Remain Records and Remain Limited) releases by Axel, The Advent and Industrialyzer, Marco Bailey and Tom Hades, APaul, as well as newer talent.