
アイントホーフェン出身のJanssen家に生まれた兄のWouterと弟のSjoerd。この兄弟はまたの名をShowtekといい、10年にわたって音楽を制作し続けている。Wouterは「いいものは決してそれで完成ではない」と満足を知らない常に上を目指す完璧主義者。音楽への飽くなき愛、幅広い才能を持つ。弟のSjoerdは幼少の頃から礼儀正しく良心的な紳士である反面、ステージ上に上がると激情的な一面を見せ、恐れを知らずにクラウドを常にコントロールする名MC、また最高のエンターテイナーとして変貌する。 2012年、「Cannonball」のリリースをきっかけに本当の意味で世界のダンスシーンにて炸裂し、二人は幼少期からの夢を現実のものにした。「Booyah」のリリース後、この曲は瞬く間にイギリスのシングルチャート5位を獲得をし、ワールドクラスのヒット曲となり世界中から引っ張りだこのアーティストになった。その勢いはさらに増し、何十万人というファンがまだ聞かぬ新曲にすでに注目をしている。

Imagine being part of something that is big and getting bigger. You can literally sense its growth not by rumors or by chance, but by being part of a movement. A movement that meets and likes to party hard at the weekend and then go back to work Monday morning, feeling fulfilled.Ladies and Gentlemen, we give you Showtek!Over the past two years Showtek have become more than an act; it's a movement, a tribe formed by the producer duo and its fans that is united in its love for music, excitement, artistic freedom and adventure. More than anything else, the tribe is the source of motivation and energy for Showtek and it is their mission to nurture it and help it grow. The music always come first, no amount of success or fame will change that.We live in exciting times. The dance music revolution is happening right here and Showtek are committed to leading the charge with a sound that is always pushing forward―always riding on the cutting edge. Front row seats on the craziest ride in the scene.Wouter and Sjoerd Janssen, aka Showtek, two brothers from Eindhoven have been making music for over a decade. Two rebels kicking against the shins of establishment, speaking a language the party crowd could believe in.It was in 2012 when they truly exploded onto the global dance scene with the release of ‘Cannonball’. Childhood dreams became reality. Countless new fans joined. New productions got recognized and reached all corners of the planet, following the release of ‘Booyah’; a track that has Showtek written all over it, that it screamed it so loud that everyone sat up and listened, resulting in a top #5 spot in the UK singles chart and their first worldwide major hit! Momentum gaining, hundreds of thousands of fans worldwide have their eyes fixed on anything that is yet to come.zGet ready to join the tribe: Here is Showtek!