Toru S.

東京在住のHOTFANCYなハウスミュージッククリエーター&DJ。海外でも高い評価を得てきた数少ない日本人プロディーサーのひとりである。Toru S. の作品はDeep Houseから , Tech House, Tribal、ピークタイムチューン までと幅広く、特にクラブのフロアで効果的で、聴けば彼のものだとすぐに認識できるのが魅力の一つであろう。その威力、実力はJunior Vasquez, Danny Tenaglia, Peter Rauhofer, Tom Stephan, Tedd Patterson, Terry Farley, Pete Heller, X-Press2, Paul Van Dyk, Steve Lawler, Tony Humphries, Kenny Carpenter, Joe Claussell など海外の大物DJ達にプレイされフロアを熱くさせてきたことで証明されている。1987年、WUB (Waseda Univ. Breakers) の専属DJとして始動。偶然、当時在学していた早稲田大学の同期生であった Satoshi Tomiie 氏の華々しい世界デビューに鼓舞され、ハウスミュージック専門のプロデューサーの道に進むことになる。デモ曲が Walter Gibbons に評価されたことをきっかけに1995年に自身のレーベルPhilosomatik Records Hiroki Tee 氏と共にNYブルックリンに設立し、1 st EPの「Questions」でプロデューサーデビュー、David Mancuso LOFTチャートインで注目を一躍注目を浴びることになる。3rd シングル「Luv Dub」はDanny Tenaglia に大きな影響を与え、彼の代表曲でもある「Elements」を生み出すきっかけを与えた。USではStar69NervousEightballレコード、UKではあのUnderworld を輩出した Junior Boys Ownレコードなど海外の名門レーベルからのリリースの経験も持ち、アナログシングルのリリースタイトル総数は50枚以上にのぼる。またSteve LawlerLights Out Vol.2(Global Underground), Peter RauhoferLiveRoxy(Star 69) などのMIX CDにも収録され、2005年には待望のメジャーレコード会社ビクターエンタテイメントからMix CDLove To Body」でCDデビュー。Tom Stephan とのユニットJ5Eaters をはじめ、Magic Cucumbers, Tony Van Kamono, UN7, Moccohaus, Omote Nashi など70以上の名義でBEATPORT iTunes Storeなどのデジタルストア から2000曲を超す作品をリリースしている。2013年にはDJ Shinkawa とのコラボ作を4曲リリースし、フロアを爆発させた。Toru S.は時代や流行に関係なく常に HOTでマッチョな 100% HOUSE MUSICを作り続け、またエロエロ変態、くるくるぱーで、かつラブリーという全世界でもあまり類のないプレイができるレアな存在でもある。誰もが認めるカモノハシ溺愛家。Nohashi Records 主宰。耳の不調により20136月からDJ活動を休止。その後、原因不明の病により同年12月で音楽制作活動も停止している。



Toru S. is a hot and fancy Japanese producer, remixer and dj of HOUSE MUSIC. Toru S. started his music life with playing classical guitar at the age of 10 as under the education of his mother who was a professional classical guitarist. And around early 80's his mother has involved in jazz music and at the same time Toru S. has been much influenced by those kinds music. When Toru was a collage student he was pushed into a member of breakdance circle of the collage and had to play hip hop as a dj there. Someday Toru heard of Satoshi Tomiie who was also a student of the same collage and Toru shifted his music to HOUSE MUSIC.
Since 1988 Toru has been producing house tracks and since 1995 officially releasing more than 2000 tracks under the names of "Magic Cucumbers","Tony Van Kamono",“Un 7” and "J5 Eaters" teamed up with Tom Stephan and other so many aliases.
Toru's first release "Questions" was released in 1995 from his own label "Philosomatk Records" which was established with Hiroki Tee in Brooklyn, NY. It got a big reaction from David Mancuso and put on his LOFT chart and also much valued by Danny Tenaglia and Joe Claussell and strongly recommended by his record shop "Dance Tracks". With this first success Toru has released more than 50 titles of 12”singles and EPs from his own label and other labels : Peter Raohifer's Star69 records, Nervous Records, Eightball Records, Junior Boy’s Own and Chumbo Mundo..etc. Outstandingly Toru’s works are very unique and sometimes not easy to be understood by ordinary people just to listen once because they are deep, sexy ,tech, dark, tribal and hard so to speak wide ranged sound. In other words his tracks are easily recognized as Toru S' sound which are very effective especially on the dance floor at the big club. The proof is that they have been played a lot by big name Djs like Tony Humphries, Joe Claussell, X-press 2, Smokin’ Jo, Pete Heller & Terry Farley, Paul Van Dyke, Tom Stephan, Peter Rauhofer, Danny Tenaglia and Junior Vasquez. Toru S. tracks were fiercely featured in the mix CDs like "Live @ Roxy" mixed by Peter Ruahofer (Star 69 Records) and "Lights Out Vol.2" mixed by Steve Lawler (Global Underground)…etc.

Toru S. is also well known for a big lover of Platypus - the most primitive animal still surviving only in Australia.