Ruben Toro

Ruben Toroは、トップランクのクラブでプレイする為にできる限り努力を重ね、シーンを戦い抜いて来た生粋のニューヨーカー。70年代・80年代のクラブ・クラシックスを中心に聴き、ターン・テーブルを駆使しながら、Larry LevanFrankie KnucklesDavid Morales等、当時のレジェンドDJ達がミックスする12インチのレコードの震えるビートをひたむきに勉強していた。当時、アンダーグラウンドダンスミュージックや著名人を大事にする誰もにとって"Clubshelter"は特別な場所だった。彼の長年の友人、そして師匠であるレジェンドDJ Timmy RegisfordRubenのミックス能力を開拓し、1997年夏"Club Shelter" の復活に伴い、RubenはオープニングDJを務めるようになるRubenはこの頃から音楽作成の分野でも、Yoruba Records ”Erro / Don't Change"のリミックスを手掛け、他にもTasita D’Mour“Power”、そしてDJ Kent “Falling”のリミックスにも携わっていく。これらの成功により、Vega RecordsJellyBean Soul Records、自身のレーベルTemple Movement Recordsなどで、その後フロアを覆う様々なハウス・ミュージックのリミックスを手掛けていく事となる。また、Inner City Broadcasting WBLS 107.5 FM “Power Shelter Mix” にてラジオDJとしても活躍の場を広げ、Timmy Regisfordと共にNYCで名の知られるレジェンド・クラブTunnel “The Temple”などのパーティーを始動させた。WRKS 98.7 KISS FMへのゲスト出演から始まったRuben Toroは、その多岐に渡る才能ですぐに自身の番組“Kiss Club Classics” を毎週土曜 24:00 - 29:00を担当していく。NY#1ラジオ番組となった“Kiss Club Classics”では、彼が影響を受けてきた過去から現在までの“Deepest Underground Sounds”をミックス、ガラージやロフト・クラシックスの最高の音を織り交ぜながらソウルフルなアンダーグラウンド・ダンス・ミュージックをお届けしている。土曜日#1の位置を抑え続け13年が経った頃、Ruben Toroのプレイは遂にMotionFM.comにて世界中に聴かれる事となる。毎週金曜日、20:00-21:00彼が織り成すとことんNY臭漂うダンサブルなプレイが数年振りに日本で体験できる貴重な来日ツアーである。ディスコグラフィやビデオ等の情報はコチラへ
Round One: New York, NY: Ruben Toro, a native New Yorker, fought his way through a musical journey by way of doing everything it took to enter into the topranking arenas of clubs. Ruben listened to club classics from the 70s and 80s, working out on turn tables and studying the pulsating beats of 12-inch club records mixed by some of the legendary DJs of the time. Preparing to fight his first bout, Ruben knew that the contenders were iconic and tough, like Larry Levan, Frankie Knuckles, David Morales, and a multitude of other strong competitors. Ruben believed that he must train and prepare to win. After years of rigorous training with some of the top music veterans, including remixers, producers and engineers, he knew he was equipped to knock out his opponents in the first round. On an unassuming street in Manhattan’s garment district, crowds gathered late at night, to witness the top-ranking DJs constantly competing for their mark on the club scene, striving to debut incredible and infectious driving beats. “Clubshelter” was the premiere spot for anyone with an appreciation for club music and the who’s-who of the underground music world. Champion and sparring partner of all bouts, life-long friend and mentor, as well “Clubshelter” owner, legendary DJ Timmy Regisford, helped cultivate Ruben's mixing ability. The winner of this round: Ruben Toro, a knockout.
Round Two: The summer of 1997 marked the return of the legendary "Club Shelter" and Ruben became its premiere opening D.J., knocking out all other contenders. Ruben has become well known as the champion in the music production arena. Remixing songs like “Osulade” for Yoruba Records, and knocking out "Don’t Change" by Erro. Another knockout by Ruben, he also remixed The Tasita D’Mour “Power” and DJ Kent’s “Falling”. With the success of these productions, Ruben went on to produce and remix many house music dance floor fillers on Vega Records, JellyBean Soul Records and not to mention on his very own Temple Movement Records. Winner of this round: Ruben Toro, a knockout.
Round Three: Ruben Toro, winning by landslides in every round, now wanted to claim victory in the radio arena. Ruben begun to hone this craft through bouts as a DJ on Inner City Broadcasting and WBLS 107.5 FM “Power Shelter Mix.” Claiming victory as a radio DJ, Ruben and sparring-partner/ mentor, Timmy Regisford premiered parties such as “The Temple” at the Tunnel, another legendary night club in New York City. Club promoters worldwide began flocking to Ruben as the reigning champion of the underground club scene DJs. Reigning champion of all time DJs, Ruben Toro, knocked out WBLS, and moved on to bouts with WRKS 98.7 KISS FM. Having started with guest appearances, multi-talented DJ Ruben Toro quickly knocked out all other contenders and made the mix show “Kiss Club Classics” his own weekly party every Saturday night from 12am -5am. Recreating the music that made him champion, the “Paradise Garage Feel” and “The Temple” sounds, Ruben presents mixes from yesterday and today’s “Deepest Underground Sounds,” blending the best in Garage/ Loft Classics and soulful underground dance music, on New York’s #1 radio show- his own “Kiss Club Classics.” The winner of all rounds: Ruben Toro, a knockout. 13 years later after holding down the #1 spot on Saturday nights the Latin Bull can be heard world wide on Catch him live every Friday Night 8pm ? 9pm. For more info on Discog, Video’s etc go to