
2001年名古屋生まれの12歳。 生まれて間もない頃から無類の音好きを発揮し爆音を子守唄代わりに育つ。 6歳から独学で本格的にDJの練習を開始! 2012年遂に東京進出を果たすと全国各地のHOTな音楽イベントやGIRLS COLLECTIONに多数出演!!メディアにも多数取り上げられたちまち”Kids DJ”として注目を集める。小さな身体からは想像できない堂々たるパフォーマンスとTRACKTORやCDJ・ターンテーブルを巧みに操る確かなテクニック、80年代〜最新曲までおさえた幅広い選曲と観客を和やかな声でリードし、“彼自身”がその場をおおいに楽しむ姿が観客の心を解き放ち、会場を熱狂の渦へ巻き込む。普段はとても明るい性格で誰に対しても自然体で接するおおらかな顔と、より良い音楽やパフォーマンスを追求し、そのための努力を怠らない徹底したプロ意識の厳しい顔。両面の顔を併せ持つ異色のスーパーキッズDJ!!2014年、自身も楽曲制作に参加した初のオリジナル楽曲「Wonder Power feat. ALEXXX」をリリースしiTunesダンスチャート9位を獲得!! ダンスチャートTOPページでも海外のトップアーティストと並んで紹介される。「世界で活躍できる、日本を代表する DJ になる」 という夢と情熱を胸に今日も小さな背中でターンテーブルに向かう !!ENGBorn


in Nagoya in 2001, DJ AkirA is now a 12-year-old professional DJ.Ever since he was born, he grew up listening to modern loud music rather than lullabies. From the age of six, he taught himself how to DJ and that's when the intense practicing began!In 2012, he finally got the chance to move to Tokyo and made several appearances in nationwide HOT music festivals and GIRLS COLLECTION. He quickly rose to fame as the media started calling him "Kids DJ." It's impossible to imagine how a small boy can create such powerful performances, TRACKTOR, and CDJ. He can skillfully use the turntables and create a wide range of music from the 80's to the most recent. Along with that, he leads his audience with his Nagoya origin accent. The audience can see that he himself is having fun, which in turn touches their hearts. It's just one tide of enthusiasm and fun. He always has a bright, fun personality and is generous to anyone he comes in contact with. Nonetheless, his ambition to pursue a better performance and music allows him to have a serious face of professionalism. These different colors all amount to him being a Super Kid DJ! In 2014, he participated in the music production and released his first original music called "Wonder Power feat. ALEXXX."His dream is to become "a DJ that represents Japan and succeeds worldwide." Now, more than ever, he wants to wholeheartedly face the turntables with as much passion as possible!