Foxはマンチェスター生まれのジャマイカンでパーティーでのサイドMCやビッグプロデューサーの楽曲客演やHOST MCとしてあらゆる仕事をこなすMC マンチェスターのクラブシーンでの存在感、信頼感は絶大である。

ヤーディー特有のパトワによるアクセントやシングジェイスタイルのメロディアスなフローは多才で、ありとあらゆるBASS MUSICを乗りこなしDub Phizix - ‘Never Been Mouse Outfi - ‘Built In A Day’, Drs - ‘Soul Remember’My Nu Leng - ‘Masterpla’などが代表作としてあげられる。地元マンチェスターのSwing Ting, Hoya:Hoyaのローカルクルーのみで固められたパーティーはもとより、Soul:ution, Hit&Run, Metropolis等のビッグダンスなどにもレジデンツとして参加。ParklifeOUTLOOK FESTIVAL等の大型フェスの常連MCでもある。



Manchester born, Jamaican bred, Fox is the Mc, Host, Singjay for all occasions and situations. A stalwart of the Mancunian music scene, he has steadily put in work as an Mc, sing jay, host and recording artist. Known as much for his Yardie inflected Mancunian accented Mcing as his sweet melodic singing and squiglydigglywoi’s. Features on tracks like Dub Phizix’s ‘Never Been’, Mouse Outfit’s ‘Built In A Day’, Drs’s ‘Soul Remember’ and recently, My Nu Leng’s ‘Masterplan’ are a testament to his versatility.

Fox stays busy. He’s a resident at Swing Ting, Hoya:Hoya and HotMilk aswel as a regular at Soul:ution, Hit&Run, Metropolis and has been booked at Fabric, Sun and Bass, Parklife and Outlook. Factor in being part of the Levelz collective, recording and performing with Skittles and the 8 Gold Rings band, hosting for Red Eye HiFi and the increasing amount of studio collaborations with the likes of Zed Bias, Chimpo, Claude Vonstroke, Spectrasoul, Calibre, Marcus Intalex, Lenzman, Biome, Murlo, Tokyo Prose, Mj Cole, Omar, etc, and its easy to see he truly isn’t idle and uses his time wisely.

On stage its always good vibes and energy. As a host Fox seems to understand the journey and the need for music to breathe. As an artist he shows a commitment to his craft that is refreshing and exciting to observe. Up coming releases such as ‘Runaway’ Calibre, two tracks on Drs’s ‘Mid Mic Crises’ album and some strong material with Mouse Outfit amongst others show signs of more Fox goodness to come.


◾︎Masterplan - My Nu Leng Ft. Fox


◾︎Never Been - Dub Phizix ft. FOX