Mari Kim

韓国生まれ。2012年日本への留学をきっかけに、東京とソウルを音で繋ぐ【AND SOUNDZ】クルーとして、DJキャリアをスタート。TECHNOを軸にHOUSE,DEEPHOUSE,DISCOを、ルックスとは裏腹にダイナミックかつパワフルにミックスするプレイスタイルは、既に多くの支持を得ている。その美しい容姿からファッション系イベントや企業パーティー等でも活躍すると共に、2015年2月にはWOMBにて開催されたMARC ROMBOYジャパンツアーのフロントアクトを務めるなど更に活躍の場を広げている、今注目のフィーメールDJである。

Born in Korea, DJ MARI-KIM came to Japan in 2012 as an exchange student. With her crew [AND SOUNDZ], she started her DJ career in fusing the sounds of Tokyo and Seoul. DJ MARI-KIM has established a dynamic and powerful mixing style that despite her looks has captured the essence of Techno with elements of HOUSE, DEEPHOUSE, and DISCO.
She has already gained a large following due to her appearances in fashion events as well as corporate parties. Continuing to broaden her horizons, in February 2015, she served as the opening act to MARC ROMBOY’s Japan tour performed at WOMB, a popular club in Tokyo. She is the one to pay attention among all female DJ's !