
名門Strictly Rhythm 、Ministry of Sound、ToolroomやOff Recordings、Hot Creations、Semester Musikといったレーベルで活躍するJohn Drastic & Matthias NeitzkeによるユニットMat.Joe。2016年2月Strictly RhytmからリリースしたSonny FoderaとのRemix「Take It Easy」がBeatportの総合チャート1位とメガヒット中。SoundCloudのフォロワー数も24500人を超え、世界中を魅了している現在、本拠地ベルリンをはじめヨーロッパを中心に活動しながらも3月からドバイをはじめとしたアジアツアーが決定する等世界各地からのオファーが殺到中。現在進行形で、世界に向けてヨーロッパ発のモダンハウスを牽引しているMat Joeのプレイを体感せよ

Mat.Joe. Matze and Johannes, two young men with a Hip Hop and House affection conquering Berlin.

Their productions come to life in a Neukölln backyard where studio equipment and DJ decks meet desiccated plants. A natural development when music has become the top priority from dusk till dawn.

Back in 2006, Rap, Breakdance and Skateboarding were the passions that made them best buddies and this deep connection is reflected in their music, again and again. In 2008, they formed the producer team Twomanics and concentrated on authentic and credible hip hop productions for independent artists. Originally from Hannover, they moved to Berlin for new artistic challenges and after MySpace, mixtapes and candy, Mat.Joe have found their own style: crispy Housebeats paired with rhythmic Soul and Hip Hop elements. The result is deep and dancefloor-qualified, warm and rough.

Inspiration is found everywhere between subway rides, late night showers and favorite bars.New ideas are kept manically on every smartphone nearby. This is sound autism at the highest stage. Mat.Joe's love for music and the ambition to improve are the main ingredients that keep the engine running. See you there.。