2001年に活動を開始、2003年に渡米。San Franciscoを中心にBay AreaにてDJとして多くの経験を積む。在米期間後半にかけてUnderground/90’s Hiphop/Neo-SoulからBroken Beats/Deep Houseへ移行、またそれらをクロスオーバーするDJとなる。2009年に帰国するも、再びAmsterdam/Sydneyなどの国外に身を置く。現在は都内各所で活動中。
He began DJing in 2001 and moved to the US from 2003 for pursuing the career in diversified fields, San Francisco Bay Area. His style gradually shifted from Underground/90’s Hiphop/Neo-Soul to Broken Beats/Deep House during the last half of his stay and consequently that made him the one that crossovers above mentioned genres after the 6 years of the journey. He moved back once in 2009, but soon moved again to Amsterdam and Sydney for drilling down Deep House. He currently resides in Tokyo, Japan.