Bradley Zero

Rhythm Section, BBC Radio 1

 ロンドンのペッキハム地区を代表するBradley Zeroは、瞬く間に彼の世代を代表するテイストメーカーとなった。ロンドンを代表するDJとして、またはRhythm Sectionブランドのイベントやレーベル、そしてBoiler RoomやBBC Radio 1などのブロードキャスターとして、彼の活躍はシーンのあらゆる側面に影響をもたらしている。


2009年から始まったRhythm Section Radioはすぐにクラブイベントして形となり、瞬く間にResident Advisorなどのメディアにも取り上げられるペックハム地区を代表するイベントとなった。彼の活躍がやがてロンドン中に響き渡り、Boiler Roomの初期メンバーから声がかかった。まだ始まって間もないBoiler Roomのコアプログラマーの一人となり、彼は他の初期メンバーと一緒にBoiler Room基礎を作り上げ、現在の規模まで広がる礎を作った。


2014年にBradleyはAl Dobson Jr.の楽曲に出会い、心を奪われ、Lane Vol. 1のリリースを皮切りに自身のレーベルRhythm Section INTLをスタートさせた。上質な国内そして国外のアーティストの楽曲を次々とリリースし、2015年にはGilles Peterson率いるWorld Wide FM Awardにて’Label or the Year’の称号を得た。これと同じタイミングでレーベル業に専念するするためにBoiler Roomから離れる決心をしたが、Rhythm Section INTLの勢いは国際的に広がり、Al Dobson Jr., Henry Wu, Chaos in the CBD, FYI Chrisのキャリアをスタートするキッカケを作るまで行った。


2018年にはダンスミュージックラジオの世界的権威のあるBBC Radio 1のレジデンシーをスタートさせ、日に日に注目を集めている。Bradleyの芯となっているのは純粋までの音楽での愛、ダンスへの情熱、そして飽くなき探究心とそれを共有したい欲求である。Bradley Zero(ちなみに本名)は表舞台、そして裏方両方に置いてシーンに欠かせないセレクターの一人である。



Hailing from Peckham via Leeds, Bradley Zero is quickly becoming the taste-maker of his generation. As founder of the Rhythm Section institution, Bradley has carved out a unique role for himself within the vibrant London scene as Resident Club DJ, Broadcaster and Label Boss of one of the most exciting new imprints today – Rhythm Section International. 


Having started the Rhythm Section radio show back in 2009, the broadcast naturally translated into a fortnightly dance at Canavan’s Peckham Pool Club, which quickly became a firm fixture in the London Clubbing scene. Resident advisor and Dummy described it as ”A party which, in spite of its modest means and ambitions, has been something of an epiphany for me, and for plenty of others too” and “some of the best music in London” respectively. 


This pioneering work in building the foundations for club culture in Peckham did not go unnoticed and soon Bradley was enlisted as a core programmer and host of the Boiler Room, when the platform was still in it’s infancy. During the early days of the show -alongside Tasker, Drakeford and Thristian - Bradley helped shape Boiler Room into the world conquering institution that it is today, helping steer it in a multitude of musical directions to shine light on the likes of Hiatus Kaiyote, Mood Hut, Beautiful Swimmers, Jan Schulte, Nils Frahm, Jay Daniel and countless other underground heroes whose music had yet to reach a wider audience.


In 2014, Bradley’s ears fell upon Al Dobson Jr‘s finely crafted grooves. This led to release of Rye Lane Vol. 1 and the creation his record label Rhythm Section INTL, providing a platform for local and imported musical produce. As 2014 became 2015, RS INTL was nominated for ‘label of the year’ at Gilles Peterson’s worldwide awards and it was around this time that Bradley moved away from regular duties at the BR office in order to devote more time to the ever growing Rhythm Section operation, both at home and on a global scale. The last few years have seen Rhythm Section INTL release some of the biggest records of the year, helping kick start the careers of AL Dobson Jr, Henry Wu, Chaos in the CBD and FYI Chris along the way. 


As the label garners new fans everyday, Bradley is quickly becoming a familiar face on the international circuit, with his global approach to music bringing him not just around the UK and Europe but to Australia, Cairo, Beirut, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Kazakhstan, Singapore, Russia, Indonesia, Korea and Japan in 2017 alone.


In 2018, Bradley was enlisted for a BBC Radio 1 residency which looks set to carry on into 2019 with the show gathering momentum, shedding light on music of the highest quality.  


At the core of it all is an infectious love for music, a passion for dancing, an urge to discover and a need to share which add together to make the man known as Bradley Zero (his real name!), one of the most vital selectors in the game, both behind the scenes and under the spotlight.