■Donato Dozzy(aguaplano / dozzy records , italy)
ローマ生まれ。幼少時代には既に音楽のとりこになっており(13歳の時には、既にレコード収集家!)いつも音楽と学業に打ち込んでいた。2000年には政治学の博士課程を修了し、音楽への情熱をプロレベルまで引き上げ、長年に渡り独特のDJスタイルを磨き上げてきた。1999年以降のローマ Brancaleoneでの"residentialstints"や、2004年から2006年の間にはafterhoursspecialistとしてベルリン"Panoramabar"でのPLAYが彼の歩んできた歴史に刻まれている。プロデューサーとしては初期作のKitchen Tools (Virgin, 2001)以降、ベルリンの Orangegroove、Lan Muzic、ローマの ElettronicaRomana、DozzyRecords、Rayliard Rec、Wagon Repair、Geophone records、Persona Records、そして現在、友人のNuel.D.と立ち上げた、彼のワンダーランドとなっているAguaplanoでのレコード制作を経て、プレス関係者やTop  Musician達から賞賛を浴びている。

Born in Rome, Donato has been fascinated by music even at the early age ofhis childhood (by the age of 13, he was already a vinyl junkie!). He wasalways dedicated both to music and his studies. In the year 2000, Donatoreceived his doctoral in Political Science and took his passion for musicto a professional level. Dozzy has honed a unique style over many years ofDJing, a history which has included residential stints at Brancaleone inRome since year 99 and the Panoramabar in Berlin, where he was theafterhours specialist from 2004 to 2006. As producer, after his early workwith the Kitchentools (Virgin, 2001), Donato has been acclaimed by thespecialty press and professionals in the field thanks to the records madefor Berlin's Orangegroove, Lan Muzic, Roman's Elettronica Romana, DozzyRecords, Rayliard Rec, Wagon Repair, Geophone records, Persona Records andnow, on brand new "Aguaplano" , a platform he just founded with his friendNuel. D. currently resides in his Wonderland.