
Do it JAZZ! - New Year Local Meeting 2017 -

2006 年 に始動以降COLLAGEそしてMETROへと場所を 変え、クラブ以外でも屋上のルーフトップやカフェ・バー、ラウンジ、ショップレセプション、 国際写真展とのコラボレーション等活動を広げ、日本、世界の著名DJを招待し、京都のJAZZ/CROSSOVERミュージックを発信し続けてきた、"DoitJAZZ!"。11年目一発目は京都ローカルDJ達がかける最新のCROSSOVERからJAZZ,RAREGROOVEをMIXしていくスタイルにて、リスペクトするアーティストの楽曲をレコードで、いいスピーカーでシンプルに皆で楽しみましょう!新年恒例の餅つき+振る舞い餅あります!
Thank you always for everything, Please keep in touch with me!!

Since its launch in 2006, having moved from COLLAGE to METRO, in addition to clubs, "DoitJAZZ!" has expended its stage in collaboration with rooftops, cafe bars, lounges, store receptions, and international photo exhibitions, with notable DJs from Japan and around the world, delivering JAZZ/CROSSOVER music from Kyoto.
Always we invite wonderful guests who are active around the world, we would like to go back to the origin for the first event of our 11th year with only resident DJs. This is just a passage point, so we will not change our style of mixing house, crossover, jazz, and rare groove! Let's enjoy songs by artists we respect with records, great speakers, and simplicity! Thank you always for everything, Please keep in touch with me!!