Prins Thomas

【 Todd Terjeと双璧をなす、Nu-Disco界のスーパースター、Prins Thomas 来日!!】

昨年リリースした4枚目となるフルアルバムも大好評!続くリミックスアルバムではGerd Janson, Ricardo Villalobos, Hieroglyphic Being, Dungen, Sun Araw, The Orb, I:Cube, Young Marcoとジャンルを超えた豪華アーティストを起用して更に話題になったPrins Thomasが来日!!

自身の運営する”Full Pup”レーベル傘下に”Rett I Fletta”レーベルを立ち上げ、2016年にはKeita Sanoの作品もリリースするなど、MIXだけではなくレーベルオーナーとしての手腕も日本では絶大な人気を誇るPrins Thomas。ノルウェーのオーロラのように煌めくディスコセットをお見逃しなく!!

【 Considered one of the two prominent Nu-Disco superstars, standing side by side with Todd Terje, Prins Thomas comes to Japan! 】

Having release a highly praised fourth full length album last year, Prins Thomas - who has continued onto remixing across various genres a dazzling array of artists, such as Gerd Janson, Ricardo Villalobos, Hieroglyphic Being, Dungen, Sun Araw, The Orb, I:Cube, and Young Marco - touches down in Japan!

Also on the decks is a familiar name that has been stirring up a lot of noise in Japan's real underground scene, DJ/Producer Chida. This domestic favorite has, in recent years, been receiving loads of offers to play overseas, so much so that he is spending half of the year abroad playing gigs!

Come and experience real DJs in a design-conscious space that boasts a top of the line audio system at the new venue in town that is catching a lot attention - Omotesando VENT!

Forming the sublabel Rett I Fletta under his Full Pupp label in 2016, mix-master and label owner Prins Thomas has gone on to release works by artists Keita Sano and the like. Do not miss Prins Thomas who will flex his amazing skills to bring you a disco set that is guarantee to sparkle like the Norwegian Northern Lights!