
Strange Planet -Flying Over The Universe

Goa trance / Psybient Party
Strange Planet
-Flying Over The Universe

★Special Guest EPHEDRA from Belgium★

3/31 FRI
Entrance : 2000yen with 1Drink
Start 22:00
Close 6:30

過去-現在-未来、人と人、心と心を国境も言葉も時空も超えてGoa Tranceが繋ぐリング


"Connection Festival"


"Tokyo Neogoamadness" "Japanese Connection"
"Belgian Connection"

【Goamadness records】とのコラボレーション3本立て企画の第1弾となります。

今回のスペシャルゲストにはGoamadness Recordsのマネジャーで、新世代ゴアトランスのトップアーティストとして高く支持されている"EPHEDRA"が登場します!!

This time will be a first party that 3 consecutive weeks of the collaboration with Goamadness records.

So!! We have invited a Special guest EPHEDRA from Belgium in this time!!!

He is highly appreciated as Top artist of New generation's Goa trance!!
and he is manager of Goamadness Records.

We began the relationship in the Connection Festival 2015 at Spain.

After that we have growth the partnership step by step in the" Tokyo Neogoamadness" "Japanese Connection"
"Belgian Connection"......

-Past, Presente, Future-

So, this is a "Ring" that Connection the Humans with Humans and the Heart with Heart that Flying over the languages and Borders.

■Phases of Madness Floor■

-Guest Live-

(Goamadness records)


(Goalogique records/IDPS/Strange Planet)

-Guest Dj-

★Seiji animaminimal
(Dance of Shiva/Funland Disco)

(Neogoa rec/Goamadness rec/Strange Planet/Red Dust)

(山魂祭/MonaLisa/Strange Planet)

(Strange Planet)

(Strange Planet)

■SAKURA Lounge■

(stardust from Tomorrow)




(Strangeplanet/IDPS/Red Dust)

(Goloka/Strange planet/絆)

-CD shop-
Goamadness CD shop

-Supported by-
*Neogoa records
*Goamadness records