
数多くのワールドヒットを放ってきた Basement Boys の一員としてそのキャリアをスタート。2006年Gilles Peterson に強力プッシュされ、リリース前にも関わらず年間ベストシングル14位にランクインしてしまった“Twyst This”を筆頭に、ソロとなってからもテックでソウルフルな良リリースを続けている KARIZMA の VENT への来日が決定。共演には Dazzle Drums , Midori Aoyama , REN がラインナップ。


昨年末に公開された南アフリカでの“ Boiler Room and Ballantine's True Music ”でもさらに磨きのかかったプレイを披露、またEm Veeとしても知られるレーベル〈INTIMATE FRIENDS〉のプロデューサーMARCEL VOGELとのマッチアップで LUMBERJACKS IN HELL から先月リリースされたばかりの“ The Deadpool EP ”も人気を集める。

長いキャリアを経ても第一線で精力的にリリースとプレイを続ける、KARIZMA の圧倒的な音楽表現を VENT のオンリーワンのサウンドシステムで堪能できる一夜に期待して欲しい。

The constantly evolving, legendary Karizma, who’s been highly lauded by Gilles Peterson, will set foot in Japan!

Karizma got his feet wet as a member of the Basement Boys, churning out numerous global hits. In 2006, he received strong backing from Gilles Peterson, and despite the charts coming out before the release of “Twyst This”, whichS came out strong at number 14 on the Best Singles of the Year chart. With this, Karizma’s solo career kicked off in brilliant fashion, and he has continued to bang out tech and soulful releases, one after another. Now he will be gracing the decks at Vent along with a stellar lineup that consists of Dazzle Drums, Midori Aoyama, and REN.

As a DJ, Karizma is known to select – both old and new tracks - from dance classics, Tech House, Broken Beats, Afrobeat, and Hip Hop to name a few genres, and works the CDJ like a proper instrument, restructuring grooves to apply an extra layer of funk. In past Japan shows, he effectively knocked the socks off the crowd with his mesmerizing technique.

Karizma displayed his well-honed technique at last year’s “Boiler Room and Balantine’s True Music” in South Africa, and more recently he has teamed up with Marcel Vogel, producer for the label Intimate Friends (also known as Em Vee), to release The Deadpool EP last month as Lumberjacks in Hell.

Get set for a memorable courtesy of the legendary and ever-prolific Karizma’s cutting-edge selecting skills played through VENT’s top-shelf sound system.

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