div feat. = “André Hommen“


5/11(FRI) div feat. = “André Hommen“

DENNIS FERRERが主催のレーベル、OBJEKTIVITYの制作全般に関わり重要な存在となっているドイツ出身のDJ/プロデューサー、ANDRE HOMMENがアルザル初登場。

OPEN 22:00pm-
DOOR 3,000yenJPY(incl. 1d)| ADV 2,000JPY(incl. 1d) | FB Discount 2500JPY(incl. 1d)


Special Guest DJ:
André Hommen

Takekiyo Ishimoto

Sony Suter

Lighting Artist:
Production H

Tomo Sugawara

André Hommen/
André Hommenが好きな音楽と出逢ったのはラジオから流れていた音楽に魅かれた時からだった。
ティーン時代に遊びに行っていた頃の音楽は Andréにとってあまり興味をそそられるものではなかった。
やがてハウスミュージックが持つその懐の深さと暖かさが、彼の音楽的ルーツとなった。 その後まもなく当時自宅の寝室でミックスを始め、そののち地元のアンダーグラウンドパーティーにもDJとして呼ばれるようになる。

彼は5年以上にわたり、Dennis Ferrerのレーベルで、ニューヨーク市に本拠を置くObjektivityの縦の立役者として、創造的かつ管理的にチームを束ねる存在なり、中核的な役割を果たしてきた。
そこでのキャリアを通じてレーベルオーナーであるFerrerや、The Martinez Brothers、Loco Dice、Henrik Schwarzなどのアーティストのプロジェクト開発に携わる機会を得る。

2009年の彼の絶賛されたデビュータイトル「Marashi」は、その年のアンセムトラックとなり2011年には、Dennis Ferrerとのコラボレート作となる 'No Difference’を発表。
彼の好評を受けたObjektivityから放ったAne Brunのリミックス作'To Let Myself Go'を皮切りとして、2014年にはついに彼自身のソロEPとなる"The Bottom Line"を発表する。

EPのタイトルトラック「The Bottom Line」は、AndréのボイラールームNYのセット(2014年2月)で初めてフィーチャーされ、ソーシャルメディアでの爆発的な再生回数と"Track ID?”(楽曲検索サイト)での検索回数を獲得している。
B面の「Epiphany」と「Reach Out」はどちらも期待を裏切らないクオリティーを発揮し -

前作の「The Bottom Line」を放ったObjektivityから2015年にはフォローアップ作、‘Battery Park’ を発表。Resident AdvisorのRA Top 100 Tracks of 2015において8位でチャートインする。
彼の3作目となる ‘Introspectral’は長期間に渡り、培われたプロデューサーとしての才能がショーケースされた内容となっている。
そして、 - portmanteauのタイトルが示唆するように -激しく反射し、幅広いサウンドが特徴に表れている。

André Hommen was introduced to the music he loves via the radio. Musically his hometown Nettetal in western Germany doesn't have much to offer at first glance, although more than a few world-famous producers started their career there in the mid nineties. The music at the parties of his young peers wasn’t interesting for André. Seminal radio-shows opened him the doors to a world of music, which was way more thrilling and intriguing to him. On one of these days he made his decision: House music with its warmth and its groove is the sound which shall become his musical home. André Hommen started mixing by himself; at first in his bedroom but soon at some underground parties in his home-region.
André Hommen's life script has always had house music at it's center. For over five years now, he has played an important part within the creative and administrative team behind Dennis Ferrer's New York City based Objektivity imprint and has had the opportunity to develop projects by artists including Ferrer, The Martinez Brothers, Loco Dice, Henrik Schwarz and more. In collaboration with the producer Gorge of the 8bit label, André Hommen's first release for Objektivity was created - his acclaimed debut title "Marashi" from 2009 was one of the most played tracks of that year, followed by his second Objektivity release in 2011 - 'No Difference', a collaboration with Dennis Ferrer.
After a lot touring from 2011 - 2014, André finally found the time to go back in the studio. Following his well received remix of Ane Brun’s 'To Let Myself Go' on Objektivity, it was finally time for his very own, first ever solo EP called "The Bottom Line" mid 2014. This groovy number consists of three tracks that are style-wise all very different, showing off Hommen's wide range as producer. EP's title track 'The Bottom Line' was first featured in André's Boiler Room NY set (February, 2014), receiving great response and a massive "Track ID?" -explosion on social media. 'Epiphany' and 'Reach Out' on the B side do not disappoint either - as groovy as they are energetic, they would fit well in different stages of any set.
The 2015 follow up EP on Objektivity, ‘Battery Park’ picked up where ‚The Bottom Line’ left off. Resident Advisor has charted ‘Battery Park’ at #8 in RA Top 100 Tracks of 2015. ‘Introspectral’, his third solo-EP release, show-cases a producer who has fine-tuned his talents over a long period of time and – as the portmanteau title suggests – both reflected intensely and explored a broad spectrum of sounds.
André is currently dividing his time between touring and the studio, working on the next EP, while serving up some remixes in between. He has remixed Fritz Kalkbrenner on SUOL earlier in 2015, next up is his remix of Tensnake’s ‚The Walk’, dropping on True Romance mid Dec 2015.
With a steady stream of releases and tour dates lined up for 2016, its safe to say he wont be seeing much of his home town. If you see André perform in a club somewhere around the world, fear not for he is not homesick. André Hommen has found his home.