
最新のEDMサウンドがパーティ・アクセルを全開にし、ageHa DANCERSとLUMBERJACK DANCERSが演出するビジュアル空間はセクシーで見ごたえ充分!いまいちエンジンがかからないという君達は要注意!ビッグフットと仲間達がダンスフロアという森に連れていき、パーティ・アニマルへと変えてしまうかも知れない???

Turned Onがお届けする唯一無二のエンターテイメント、6月23日は「GRIZZLY!」になること間違いなし!

►FREE Inflatable Axe custom made for Lumber Jack for attending guests! *Supplies are limited

TOKYO- get ready for the world's only "Lumberjack" party! June 23rd Turned On is bringing back the most outrageous party concepts ever conceived to ageHa!

Flannel, Denim, Beards, Hairy Chests, and RAGE inducing Bass Music is what will fuel this testosterone bulldozer of an event. And if that is too masculine for you, the sexy ageHa Lumberjack go go dancers are on site to sex things up.

But be warned, Big Foot and friends are known to prowl the premises, looking to feed off the sober wall huggers and wannabe fashionistas.

So REV up your party chainsaws, because June 23rd is truly going to be Grizzly!