
Penthouse w/ Jerry Folk

[English Below]

Jerry Folk(ジェリー・フォーク)は、インディー、ディスコ、ファンク、R&B、ハウスのシグネチャーサウンドを創造的かつ魅力的でありながら洗練された方法で自身の楽曲に浸透させている。新曲をリリースするごとにその多様性の幅を増し続けている。


Sankeys PENTHOUSE (原宿)
〒150-0001 東京都渋谷区神宮前6-28-6 キュープラザ原宿10&11F


17:00 - 23:00


ADV.: ¥2,000
DOOR: ¥3,000


Jerry Folk creatively instills his signature blend of indie, disco, funk, R&B, and house in a captivating, yet sophisticated manner with every release he touches and demonstrates a trend of versatility across his catalog of music. While he continues moving forward at the pinnacle of dance newcomers destined for success, Jerry Folk presents an example of a young talent with proven production techniques well beyond his years, and he continues to disregard the barriers of genre labels in an attempt to further develop his indicative style.

Don’t miss this rare performance in one of Tokyo’s finest venues with unbelievable views of the city!


Sankeys PENTHOUSE (Harajuku)
Q Plaza HARAJUKU 10&11F, 6-28-6, Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo


Sunday, February 9th
Doors open @ 17:00
Party ends @ 23:00


ADV.: ¥2,000
DOOR: ¥3,000