玲瓏 -Lehloh-


Followed by English translation

四月二十三日火曜日、西麻布Trafficで「玲瓏 -Lehloh-」の初回開催を迎えます。



スランビエントやサイコアを軸に展開される本イベントは、アンダーグラウンドシーンの新たな地平を切り拓く独創的な視点を持つアーティストたちを招集します。夢幻的なスオミトランスの概念の枠を打ち払い、音楽の前衛を疾走するseiji animaminimalが、この日、沈黙と狂熱が交差するサイコアをご披露くださいます。ベルリンを基点に、即興演奏を通じてパフォーマンスアートの限界に挑むMizuki Ishikawa。電子音の力によってサイケデリックな共同体を創出する同人による別名義プロジェクト、Nandeyanen。玲瓏 -Lehloh-から繊細な環境音楽と五臓六腑を震わせるコアを紡ぐmuonmと、フィールドレコーディング、民謡音楽などを織り合わせ独自のスランビエント解釈に挑むtÿærbį。そして、OtOdashi SoundSystemから、太陽と月のリズムに同調した音響デザインでフロアを包み込むことをミッションとするPA、TAAAHHH。
更に、この祝祭的な夜に彩りを加えるeeteeが、玲瓏 -Lehloh-の音楽に呼応したスパイスやハーブの料理を提供し、内面へと向かう旅へ誘います。そして、心の深淵へと誘う抹茶を点てるTakao Omori(tÿærbįの別名義)も、内省と変容の空間を創出するために加わります。この集結する多様な才能が、今宵をかつてない特別な体験へと変貌させることでしょう。

Facebook 「玲瓏 -Lehloh-」
Instagram @lehloh_slambient


We are pleased to announce the inaugural edition of "玲瓏 -Lehloh-" on Tuesday, April 23rd, at Traffic in Nishiazabu.

"玲瓏 (Lehloh)" refers to the clear sound and beautiful brilliance emitted by jewels. In our event bearing this name, we aim to capture moments where sounds from all ages and places reverberate through space, purifying the mind and evoking distant memories, where the sparkle of stars endlessly diffuses. When you close your eyes, just as a water mirror reflects the gleam of pearls, it will bring tranquility deep within your heart through resonance with the surroundings. With heartfelt preparation down to the smallest detail, we endeavor to share this peaceful and special time with each and every one of you.

Slambient and psycore are music genres that transcend the dichotomy of "static" and "dynamic". "Slambient" is a newly coined term that combines "slam" (heavy beats) and "ambient," and despite its short history, this genre exudes a unique fascination where no one can predict its coming development. On the other hand, "psycore" is dance music that marks beats with "psychedelic" sound effects and dense "core" kicks, inviting listeners on a fantastical journey. Both genres feature fast echoing bass alongside diverse environmental sounds, leading listeners into deep meditative states. These two are interrelated, and depending on which sounds you focus on within the immersive soundscapes, interpretations of the genre may vary. For instance, emphasizing environmental sounds may classify it as "slambient," while prioritizing "core" kicks and "psychedelic" overtones would categorize it as "psycore."

This event, revolving around slambient and psycore, invites artists with novel perspectives that carve out new horizons in the underground scene. seiji animaminimal, who dashes through the avant-garde of music, will showcase psycore, where silence and fervor intersect. Mizuki Ishikawa, based in Berlin, challenges the limits of performance art through improvisation. Nandeyanen, an alias project by Mizuki Ishikawa, creates psychedelic communal states through the power of electronic sounds. From 玲瓏 -Lehloh-, muonm weaves delicate ambient music and core that resonate deeply with the listeners, and tÿærbį bleeds field recordings and folk music into their unique slambient interpretation. Additionally, TAAAHHH from OtOdashi SoundSystem will envelop the floor with sound designs synchronized with the rhythms of the sun and the moon.
Furthermore, to add color to this festive night, eetee will provide spices and herbal dishes in resonance with the music of 玲瓏 -Lehloh-, inviting you on an inward journey. Takao Omori, also known as tÿærbį, brewing matcha to transport you to the depths of your soul, will also join to create a space for introspection and transformation. This gathering of diverse talents will surely transform this evening into an extraordinary experience like no other.

We will post details of each artist on our Facebook’s event page and Instagram as they become available, so please check there regularly for updates.
Facebook “玲瓏 -Lehloh-“
Instagram @lehloh_slambient

On April 23rd, why not contemplatively experience the budding of a new music scene with us?
We sincerely await your participation.