Arrow and Bow

Oliver Koletzki & Fran
Arrow and Bow


若いカップルが日曜の朝に朝食をとっている。ごくありふれたそんな光景がジャケットに使用されているが、そこに写っているのはまさにOliver とFran自身。ありふれているようで、どこか芝居がかったようなこの光景がア-ティスト本人だというのもほほえましい。『Hypnotized』を一緒にてがけた男女デュオ、Oliver Koletzki とFranが戻ってきた。Stil Vor Talentのレーベルオーナ-Oliver Koletzki ことParker FrisbyによるヒットアルバムGroßstadtmärchen(グロースシュタットメルヒェン)がドイツ国内でチャ-トいりしたのは記憶に新しい。この秋にはニューアルバム『Lovestoned』を発表する予定だ。そのアルバムの中のシングルがこの『Arrow and Bow』。

Marek HemannとChannel X をリミキサーにむかえる。

Franによる力強いヴォーカルが今回も見事だが、Marek Hemann リミックスが一番お勧め。

Finally here it comes! After his über-successful last album “Großstadtmärchen” including the singles “Hypnotized” and “U-Bahn” Oliver Koletzki is now releasing the first single release of his new album “Lovestoned” that is set to be released in autumn this year. For the album, and subsequently this first glimpse of the album, Oliver Koletzki has teamed up with singer and girlfriend Fran, who previously hypnotized listeners across the country with her magical voice. “Arrow and Bow” – the title hints at what this song is about: love! Musically the track is a thrilling trip into 80ies pop sounds: synthesizers that cause goose bumps, clap snares that will move heads and toes and of course, Fran’s beautiful voice that reminds us about the wonderful game of getting to know each other. This is an authentic love song, a danceable pas de deux that has one message: love is fun! The first single release comes with one more track from the eagerly anticipated album by Oliver and Fran: “Strandbar”, which translates as beach bar. Oliver modified this song that always unites everyone when performed live and has created an airy acoustic version with a guitar and a piano. It almost sounds like chansons from the 1930s – in a very good way. Lyrically, this song is the ultimate summer anthem. Fran sings about the summer like we all love it: biking it through the city, feeling the fresh breeze on the hot skin, breathing in the flowery summer air, skinny-dipping into the lake. And of course, this is best done with somebody alongside you. Because this is what holds Oliver’s and Fran’s songs together: a mutual love for music, and for each other. We can’t wait for “Lovestoned”.