´One of the key artists in Japan is So Inagawa. his first tack of Relaxine has been mixed by Harley & Muscle in “DEEP HOUSE PART 1″ compilation album. Next up is “Cabaret To Cabaret EP", tracks which new style of deep house, featuring deep and groovy sound. so inagawa info: started his career, influenced by The jesus and marychain,The smith and so on. “cabaret” released from french famous label TELEGRAPH RECORD in 2005. this aesthetic minimal abstract track was licenced by Tobi Neuman’s mix cd, and it’s become a bomb. he keep releasing constantly from milnormodern,?rrygular,?fenou,?trimsound,?minimood, goosehound, unfoundsound, multivitamin by both of so inagawa and the suffragettes. better not to miss his live, dj in the clubs around..
- Relaxine
- CAT #:
- Relaxine003
- 2010-08-16(Mon) on sale