
Neverending EP

Daniel Heidt
Neverending EP

ハンブルグの良質ハウスレ―ベルliebe*detailからまたもや新人が登場。新人ア―ティストを発掘して、ネ―ムバリュ―にこだわらず、質にこだわった音楽を排出してきただけあって、今回も心地よく浮遊感のあるディ―プなハウスチュ―ンが4曲。Whatpeopleplayにて先行発売。(Maki Miura / Word and Sound)

"Born & raised in Franfurt a.M., in Berlin living DANIEL HEIDT acclaims his deput on liebe*detail with his NEVERENDING EP.His inception appears with 4 slightly raw and partly dubbed songs. The onset of the EP starts with SHADES OF GREY which comes with dubby flangered chords and uplifting white noise breakdowns to striking bass sounds.  LOST IN SOUND shows with delight capturing nuances, an arranging of lovely samples, detailed percussions and breaking bassdrum surprises. SWEET SORROW gives you 9 minutes of pulsating with an increasing breakdown, a touch of dirty hihats compared with a in-depth rogue chordsample. At least INNER ODYSSEY takes you down with a addictive melody together with a raw and deep bassline and lovely percussions which are initiating you to a neverending journey. Rejoice the heart!"