ジャパニーズ2人組による、BoccaGrandeの輝かしいデビューアルバム"Little Pianist"。
"Little Pianist"は繰り返し聴くことで、独自の世界観を理解することができ、そして何度も聴きたくなるすばらしいアルバムだ。
このアルバムに収録されているMorgan Geist remixをはじめLarry Heard(Mr.Fingers), Morphosis等の世界的アーティストによるLittle Pianist Remixedもリリース!
‘Little Pianist’ is the stunning debut album of Japanese duo Bocca Grande.
Formed by music producer Kousuke Ishida aka Trio and piano teacher Yuka Kobayashi, Bocca Grande music gives an high value to the classic piano mixed with the electronic vibes.
Their beautiful single 'Procedere', that anticipated the release of the album, shows magically their concept, a magnificent and emotional record, 'above any trend' !
An incredible album from start to finish. Blending the majestic piano work with electronica, house, downbeat, dub and a cinematic vibe in a creative and innovative way, ‘Little Pianist’ is one of those records that warrant to be listened to in their entirety Repeatedly !
These tunes are remixed by Morgan Geist, Larry Heard(Mr.Fingers), Morphosis, T-Polar, Menik, Jorge Takei, Morning Factory, Artifact, Jermaine Soul, Corrado Bucci and Chromatic Filters
2011 will be the consacration of a great artist...Bocca Grande !
2.Below my hands
3.Slow Gravity
4.No house on Walz
5.Even If
6.Blue Tang Surgeon Fish
7.Procedere 2011
8.Room in a clutter
9.Wrongtime (flowing mix)
11.as Adele
12.Procedere 2011(Morgan Geist Remix)
- Rebirth
- CAT #:
- 2500
- 2011-11-14(Mon) on sale