Perc - clubberia podcast 091

CB 091 - Perc

[Play to Pray -Tribute To Japan- Volume 5]

clubberiaでは「Play to Pray - Tribute to Japan project 」と題しまして、世界をまたにかけ活躍するトップアーティストの協力のもと、被災者支援のための義援金を募る活動を行っています。

第5弾となる今回は、先ごろニューアルバム「Wicker & Steel」をリリースしたばかりで、ロンドンを拠点に活動するPercをフィーチャー。来日を目前に控え、ぶれのない視点で、今この時期に来日することに意義等をインタビューで答えてくれています。

少しでも彼の思いに共感されたようでしたら、私たちの募金チャレンジにご協力をお願いします。いただきました寄付は、被災地域避難所での医療支援をはかるため、一般財団法人ジャスト・ギビング・ジャパンを通じて「メドゥサン・デュ・モンド ジャポン(世界の医療団 )」にお送りします(ジェーン・バーキンも支援する団体です)。改めて被災地におかれましては、一日も早く普段の生活に戻れますよう、皆さまのご無事を心よりお祈り申し上げます。


(English ver.)
On March 11th an earthquake and tsunami hit Japan affecting millions of people; and although it has been three months since the disaster, for the victims this crisis is still not over. People are still without homes and jobs, living in shelters that are low on food and supplies. Many have lost their families and loved ones. Entire villages have been distroyed and are still without a connection to the rest of the country.
We need your help! We're collecting contributions from all over the world, letting them know that we care.
The revival is not finished yet. If want to share your love, donate now via our page on justgiving.co.uk. Even a small donation can help.

Supporting artists:
Freebase Records(de): Sascha Dive, Chris Wood, Frank Lorber, Karotte, Markus Fix, Roman Flugel, Dorian Paic, Vera, Meat, Einzelkind, Motorcitysoul, Martyne
Cadenza Records(de): Reboot, Frivolous, Mirko Loko, Andrea Oliva, Mendo, Alex Picone
Soma Records(uk): Slam
Mobilee Records(de): Hector, Martin Landsky
Perc Trax(uk): Perc

Thank you, for supporting Japan! Thank you! 謝謝! ?????! Vielen Dank! Gracias! Merci beaucoup! Grazie mille! Muito obrigado! Heel erg bedankt! Terima kasih banyak! Tack! Dzieki! Спасибо!

■Here's the donation page.

Thanks to:Perc Trax & Pull Proxy

Perc (Perc Trax)

数々の革新的なリリース、斬新なスタイルと多才なセンスでテクノシーンの新境地を開いてきたPerc。実力派アーティストとしてのポジションに立ちながら も、変化を恐れず進化に挑む、独創的で印象深い彼の世界は、多くの人々に驚きと感動を与える。Giorgio Gigli、Modern Headsといった要注目アーティストとのコラボ作品も続々と放出。今年6月には自身のレーベル [Perc Trax] よりファーストアルバム『Wicker & Steel』をリリース。カットリリース「My Head Is Slowly Exploding EP」にはAncient MethodsとChris Carter(Throbbing Gristle)のリミックスが含まれる。






このミックスの特性はさまざまなジャンルの折衷であるので、スタジオに置いている2チャンネルのVestaxの小さなミキサーを通して、Ableton Live 8を使ってミックスされたんだ。付け加えてあるリバーブやディレイなどは、Rolandのクラシックエフェクター"Space Echo"を再現しているBOSSのRE-20というエフェクターを用いているよ。






このミックスのタイトルは「The roots of Wicker & Steel」というんだ。僕のアルバム「Wicker & Steel」のインスパイアの源となったトラックをフィーチャーしていてね。Sighaのトラックのように、「Wicker & Steel」に似たような雰囲気でバイブスを分かち合ってると感じる、新譜のトラックも少し入れてるよ。僕のミックスはリスナーに、僕がアルバム制作中にどのように影響されたか、洞察できるものとなっているよ。このミックスは聴く人々に、僕のアルバムへの深い理解を与えるものだと思っている。


目下のところとしては、いくつかのリミックスのほか、Giorgio Gigliとのコラボレーションのための新曲をいくつか手がけているよ。このコラボレーションのためのプロジェクト名は「Endless」といって、Speedy Jのレーベル"Electric Deluxe"と話をしているんだ。次回のEndlessとしてのEPは、うまくいけば今年の終わりぐらいにリリースされるよ。それは一旦終わったら、Percとしての新しいトラック制作を始めるつもりだけど、こちらはまだどのレーベルからリリースされるかは未定。


"Perc Trax"から「Wicker & Steel」がリリースされたところだよ。CDとして発売されているんだけど、美しいブリキの缶にのパッケージに入っていて。Basic ChannelやChain Reactionのクラシックのようなんだ。もちろんデジタルでも購入可。あとはこのアルバムがリリースされる前に、アルバム収録曲「My Head Is Slowly Exploding」をフィーチャーした12インチがリリースされたね。Ancient MethodsとThrobbing Gristle/Chris & CoseyのChris Carterがリミックスをしているんだ。アルバムリリース後は、収録曲ののリミックスを収録した12インチがもう一枚出る予定だよ。


6月の末に日本に行く予定だよ。そのあと、7月はいくつかのUKのフェスでプレイするよ。それから8月には「Wicker & Steel」のローンチパーティーがニューヨークであるから、とても楽しみだよ。年末にかけては、ベルリンやアムステルダムを含めたヨーロッパツアーでプレイする予定だね。


イエス。もうすぐ東京で2回ギグしに行くよ。6月23日木曜日はDommuneで、6月24日金曜日はModuleで「Perc Trax vs Blank Records party」でプレイするんだ。ぜひギグにして東京のテクノシーンをサポートしてほしい。読者のみなさんに会えることを楽しみにしているよ。



[Interview (EN)]

―Can you give Japanese people a message for those who have been under the pressure from the earthquake and other troubles caused by the earthquake?

I just want to say that like millions of people around the world I was shocked by the events in Japan in March and by the continuing problems caused by these disasters. People can do two things in these situations, firstly they can offer help by donating to charities to provide essential aid to Japan and secondly they can do something that is almost as important, they can embrace Japan and not turn their back on the country. Japan should feel part of the global community now and not feel that it is on its own. To not come to Japan now would be like turning my back on all my friends and the supporters of my music in Japan. I also hope that the amount of DJ’s playing in Japan makes a point to the DJs that are cancelling gigs or being scared to play the country. It is a time to offer support to Japan, not cancel gigs and pretend these issues are not related to you.

―What recording equipments have you used to record this mix?  ex. SL-1200, XONE92, etc.

Because of the eclectic nature of this mix it was mixed using Ableton Live 8 through a small 2-channel Vestax mixer that I keep in the studio. The extra reverb and delay effects came from a Boss RE-20 pedal, which is a digital emulation of the classic Roland space echo units.

―How and where did you record it?

It was recorded in my studio in the north of London. Some tracks were edited or extended to help with the mix. The reverb and delay effect were essential to add atmosphere and blend together the tracks which come from many different genres and eras of music.

―Have you played your own track(s)? If so, tell us about it (them).

No. This mix is all about tracks that influenced my new album and my mood whilst making the album, so there are no tracks by me in the mix. Please read my answer below for more information!

―Can you tell us the idea or concept behind this mix?

This mix is called ‘The roots of Wicker & Steel’, so it features tracks that inspired my ‘Wicker & Steel’ album. Plus there are some new tracks, like the Sigha track, which I feel share a similar vibe and atmosphere to ‘Wicker & Steel’. My mix gives the listener an insight into what I was listening to and was being influenced by as I worked on the album. I think this mix will help people have a deeper understanding of my album.

―What have you been working on recently?

Right now am working on a few remixes plus some new tracks for my collaboration with Giorgio Gigli. The project name for this collaboration is ‘Endless’ and we are working with Speedy J’s Electric Deluxe label. Hopefully the next Endless EP will be out later this year. Once that is finished I will start work in new Perc tracks, but I do not know which labels these will be for yet.

―If you're releasing a new album or EP, please tell us about the concept, or episodes, etc.

‘Wicker & Steel’ is out now on Perc Trax, it is available as a CD, which comes packaged in a beautiful metal tin, like the classic Basic Channel and Chain Reaction cds and also as a digital download. Before the album was released there was a 12” featuring the album track ‘My Head Is Slowly Exploding’ which was remixed by Ancient Methods and Chris Carter (of Throbbing Gristle and Chris & Cosey), after the album is released there will be another 12” of remixes of album tracks.

―Can you tell us your future gig/tour schedules?

At the end of June I will be in Japan. After that I am playing some UK festivals in July. Then in August there is a launch party for ‘Wicker & Steel’ in New York, which is very exciting. Later this year I will be playing around Europe including gigs in Berlin and Amsterdam.

―Any plan to come to Japan?

Yes, I will play two gigs in Tokyo in soon. On Thursday 23rd June I play at Dommune and on Friday 24th June there is the Perc Trax vs Blank Records party at Module. Please come to the gigs and support Tokyo’s techno scene. I hope to see some of your readers very soon.

―Thank you!

Thank you to you too.


Perc "The roots of Wicker & Steel"

01. Paul Giovanni - Sunset - Silva Screen Records
02. Regis - Solution (Voices. - Downwards
03. Beth Gibbons & Rustin Man - Spider Monkey - Go! Beat
04. Throbbing Gristle - After Cease To Exist - Industrial Records
05. The Micronauts - Baby Wants To Rock - Science
06. The Micronauts - Baby Wants To Bleep Pt.2 - Science
07. The Micronauts - Baby Wants To Bleep Pt.3 - Science
08. Sigha - HF029 B2 - Hot Flush
09. The Masks - The Hobby Horse - Silva Screen Records
10. Cabaret Voltaire - Premonition - Mute
11. LFO - Tied Up (Original Mix. - Warp
12. Photek - UFO - Science
13. British Murder Boys - Learn Your Lesson - Downwards
14. Krome & Time - The Slammer - Suburban Base
15. Acen - Trip II The Moon (Part 3 - Kaleidoscopicklimax. - Production House
16. Polygon Window - Quino Phec - Warp
17. Ed Rush & Nice - Technology (Boymerang Remix. - No U Turn
18. Zola Jesus - Stridulum - Souterrain Transmissions