DJ BAR Bridge Shinjuku

DJ BAR Bridge Shinjuku


ABOUT DJ BAR Bridge Shinjuku

外国人も日本人も、東京人も地方人も、すべてを受け入れるこの街に、ジャンルの垣根を超えた音楽を新たなる感性で表現し、感動と興奮を呼び覚ますDJ BAR Bridge。
これほど贅沢な時間はありません。 カジュアルな気分で遊びに来てください。

Good Music, Good Cocktails, Good Vibes.
And beautiful adults are connected.
A new playground is born in Shinjuku, the gateway to Tokyo
DJ BAR Bridge expresses music that transcends the boundaries of genres with a new sensibility and evokes excitement and excitement in this city that accepts all foreigners and Japanese, Tokyoites and locals.
Shake your body to the finest grooves played by top DJs and enjoy conversations with attractive people. For adults who know how to play, there is no more luxurious time than this. Please come and visit us in a casual mood.