

VENAFU[ベナフ]は日本を拠点に活動するジャングルテラーアーティスト。“Venture to Nature to Future”をテーマに、Ambient、Tribal Techno、Minimal、Gqomを中心にプレイし、Natureをイメージさせる繊細かつ壮大な世界観でオーディエンスの野性を呼び起こす。
2017年の活動開始以来その独自のプレイスタイルとファッションセンスが反響を呼び、活動3ヶ月で国内を代表するテクノイベント「TECHNO INVADERS(at VISION TOKYO)」に異例の大抜擢、FLOOR WHITEの大トリを務める。
その後、「AMAZING(at WOMB TOKYO)」、「YABITO FESTIVAL 2018(at Aoba Camp Village)」のメインステージ、ケンモチヒデフミ氏(from 水曜日のカンパネラ)主催の第一回「宇宙塔」でもラストを務め、DJ MAG世界ランキング33位・タイのILLUZIONと47位・WOMBによる世界基準のコラボレーションイベント「AtheONE」ではメインフロアでプレイするなど、多数の注目イベントへの出演を果たす。
2022年からは拠点をSAPPOROに移すと同時に北海道の広大なロケーションを活用したDOT’S MUSIC FESTIVAL(旧:DOT's SOUND CAMP)を仕掛ける[DOTS SOUND]チームに所属、Sapporo a.c.i.dを拠点に活動の幅を広げている。2025年、新しい出会いとカルチャーが行き交う札幌大通に隣接する「ザ ロイヤルパーク キャンバス 札幌大通公園」を拠点にした、食と音のコラボレーションイベント「WHITE[(h)wáit]」を始動。

VENAFU is a Jungle Terror artist based in Japan. With the theme “Venture to Nature to Future,” VENAFU’s performances are centered around Ambient, Tribal Techno, Minimal, and Gqom, creating a delicate yet grand world that evokes nature and awakens the audience's primal instincts.

Since debuting in 2017, VENAFU’s unique playstyle and fashion sense have garnered significant attention. Within just three months, VENAFU earned an exceptional spot as the headliner for FLOOR WHITE at TECHNO INVADERS (at VISION TOKYO), one of Japan’s leading techno events. This momentum led to appearances at high-profile events such as AMAZING (at WOMB TOKYO), the main stage of YABITO FESTIVAL 2018 (at Aoba Camp Village), and the inaugural UCHUTO organized by Kenmochi Hidefumi (from Wednesday Campanella), where VENAFU also closed the event.

Additionally, VENAFU performed on the main floor of AtheONE, a world-class collaborative event by ILLUZION (ranked 33rd in DJ MAG) and WOMB (ranked 47th), solidifying a presence in numerous spotlight events.

In 2021, VENAFU established a base at Kagurane and further evolved the unique Jungle Terror style. That same year, VENAFU began producing innovative events such as TRIVIBES, a “modern hippie festival awakening wild vibes,” and mixing, a “new-normal tech event blending unique personalities,” attracting emerging artists across genres.

From 2022, VENAFU relocated to SAPPORO and joined the DOTS SOUND team, organizing DOT’S MUSIC FESTIVAL (formerly DOT’s SOUND CAMP), leveraging Hokkaido’s vast landscapes. Now operating from Sapporo a.c.i.d, VENAFU continues to expand the scope of activities.

In 2025, VENAFU launched WHITE[(h)wáit], a collaborative food and music event based at The Royal Park Canvas Sapporo Odori Park, creating a hub where new encounters and cultures come to life.