
Ooooze 10th Anniversary!!

東京を代表するトップパーティー『Ooooze(ウーズ)』。先日の WOMB ADVENTURE '11 にて 1AREA (Ooooze x RAFT TOKYO Area) を任せられるなど、その実力は折り紙付きで、多くの外国人客を含む、遊び好きな本物のクラウド達からの絶大な支持を集めています。長く東京のパーティーシーンをリードしてきたその Ooooze が、今年10周年を迎えます。ついてはいつもサポート頂いている皆さんに感謝の気持ちを込めて、来たる2.11(土)にWOMB全フロアーを使っての10th Anniversary Partyを行う事が決定しました!そ してゲストには、真にアンダーグラウンドを愛する “Marc Antona” の初来日が決定!デビュー・アルバム『Rules of Madness』は、すでに Loco Dice, Ricardo Villalobos, Marco Carola, Luciano,,,,,,,といった数多くのアーティスト達から絶賛されています。彼は同時に、Luciano 主宰の『Cadenza』、そして11/26のWA'11にメインアクトで登場した『Vagabundos』を彼と共に陰から支える唯一無二の特別な存在という顔も持ちます。 WOMB Lounge & VIP Lounge は『Tokyo Underground All Stars』と銘打ち、Ooooze ゆかりの Tokyo Top Artists がこの10周年のためにずらりと顔を揃えてくれるという、この上ない贅沢な一夜となりました。各 Lounge の振り分けは当日まで発表しませんのでお楽しみに!さあみなさん、僕たちにとって大切な大切なこの一夜。Ooooze の歴史にみなさんも是非加わって下さい!!

One of the leading parties in Tokyo scene, Ooooze. Not only it successfully completed a huge role to perform at WOMB ADVENTURE '11 (Ooooze x RAFT TOKYO Area), its high reputation is well-known to the crowd within and outside Japan. Ooooze is a long-running party, reaching its 10th anniversary in 2012. To celebrate a decade of their success, the 10th anniversary party has been confirmed at WOMB on Feb.11th (Sat)!

Coming to Japan for the first time ever to Join the celebration as a guest artist is - a techno creator based in Ibiza, who truly loves the underground scene, Marc Antona! His debut album "Rules of Madness" released in September '11 from his own label 'DISSONANT' became the chart-shaker, favored by top artists such as Loco Dice, Ricardo Villalobos, Marco Carola, Luciano etc. His talent is not limited as a performing artist but as an essential supporter of Vagabundos, who are organized by Luciano's Cadenza.

The crews on the WOMB Lounge and the VIP Lounge will perform as 'Tokyo Underground All Stars'. The luxury lineup was made of top names in Tokyo. We will not announce who is playing where until the day - it is an added extra essence to look forward to!

Everyone get ready and enjoy taking a part in our memorable mile-stone event!!