⌘⌘⌘ Otogi Camp 2022 ⌘⌘⌘
▶︎Date : 2022.11.5-6
▶︎Gate : open PM12:00 / Music start 15:00
▶︎Venue : ヴィレッジ白州
▶︎Address : 山梨県北杜市白州町上教来石平久保2124
Hakushuchokamikyouraishi, Hokuto, Yamanashi
Advance e-ticket (前売り券)
¥8,000 (150 limited)
U-25 ticket (25歳以下)
¥6,000 (50 limited)
On the Day (当日券)
▶︎ チケット申し込みはコチラ
※ Otogi Camp 2022では25歳未満の方へ
U-25 ticket (50人限定)を販売します。当日年齢と顔写真を確認できる身分証明書をお持ちください。エントランスにて確認作業をさせていただきます。なお当日、顔写真付き身分証明書の確認が取れない場合は当日料金として対応させていただきますのであらかじめご了承ください。
※ 駐車スペースに限りがある為、出来るだけお乗り合わせのご協力お願いします。
Limited parking space available. Sharing rides are advised.
※ 政府、県の中止要請があった場合払い戻しの対応をとらせていただきます。
Refund provided in case of event cancellation by governmental bodies.
※ 天災など悪天候、他事情によるイベントの中止にあたる払い戻し等はありませんので、予め御了承下さいますようお願い致します。
NO refund provided if event is cancelled due to bad weather conditions.
コテージ¥25,000 (LDK8畳+6畳和室)
※ テントの設営/ 高校生以下のお子様は参加無料となります。
Use of camp site / children under 16 of age are free of charge.
※ このパーティーは、雨天決行です。
In order to fully enjoy the event, we would like to ask for your cooperation on the below:
※ Body temperature check upon arrival. Those with 37.5 degrees Celsius or higher may be denied entry.
※ Please use hand sanitizers placed at the entrance of the venue and bar area.
※ Please refrain from sharing drinks.
※ Any individual who causes nuisance (violent acts such as fights or any other actions interfering with the peaceful spirit of the event) to other guests will be asked to leave the venue.
※ This event will carry out regardless of the weather.
※ The party venue is kindly lent out by the owner. Littering is forbidden. Anyone who does not follow this rule will be asked to leave.
※ Dangerous and illegal goods are strictly forbidden and will be reported if found on sight.
※ Please take your trash back with you when the event ends.
※ Wild animals are present in the area. Food scraps should not be left in the open.
※ Responsible behavior is sought after. Please show respect to those around you and create a child-friendly environment.