

Ryo Tsutsui / THE RATA / YAMARIKI / Dumbbell Bros / SODAI / RIKA / l!a

hidemi / cicori / Sugihiko / CURE / yu-ki

渋谷の新たなランドマークMIYASHITA PARK直結のクラブスペースORにて最終週末のデイパーティとして開催されるこのイベントではラテン語圏でワクワクするという意味のイベントタイトル通り、週末の午後をシーンを支えるハイクオリティな出演者陣によるダンスミュージックを軸に、リアルなコミュニケーション、出会い、笑顔溢れる時間を楽しめる空間を演出する。

ハウスを軸に日本から世界への道を切り開くレーベル/イベント「HOUSETRIBE」を主宰するYAMARIKIとこれまで国内外でシーンを切り拓くイベントを数々成功に導き、新たに「 EN FESTIVAL」 も立ち上げたRYO TSUTSUIの邂逅により『Animado』が生まれ1年が経ち新たなメンバーも迎え再構築する。

Held as a day party on the last weekend at the club space OR, which is directly connected to the new landmark MIYASHITA PARK in Shibuya, this event, as the event title means 'exciting' in Latin, creates a space where you can enjoy a weekend afternoon with dance and music by the high quality performers who support the scene. The event is a space where people can enjoy real communication, encounters and a time full of smiles, with music at the heart of the event.
Animado" has been a community spot for a year now, and we hope you will be a part of it.

Animado" was born from an encounter between YAMARIKI, who presides over the label/event "HOUSETRIBE" that paves the way from Japan to the world with house as its axis, and RYO TSUTSUI, who has led many successful events that have paved the way for the scene in Japan and abroad and also launched the new "EN FESTIVAL". After a year has passed, new members have been welcomed and the group has been reconstructed.