
Dancing In Outer Space: The Album

Dancing In Outer Space: The Album

1979年にデビュ―作『Dancing in outer space』(メインメンバ―であるAndrzej Sojka自身によるレ―ベルEliteよりリリ―ス)で不朽のディスコヒットを打ち出し、UKジャズファンクファンのみならず80`sブリティッシュのファンさえをもとりこにしたAtmosfearによるアルバム『Dancing In Outer Space: The Album』がデジタルにて再リリ―ス!!!!Francouis Kによるリミックスで聞いたことがあるひとも多いのではないだろうか。昨年2009年にはWolf Music RecordingsからEPをリリースした。


当初のメンバ-はなんとAndrzej Sojka, Lester J. Batchelor, Anthony Antoniou, Raymond Johnson, Peter Hinds, Leroy Williams, Jerry Pike, Stewart Cawthorneの8名だったという。


もちろんイントロはホルンのメロディとスペ-シ―なシンセ使いが聞き覚えのある『Dancing in outer space』。それぞれ12インチのA面でありメガヒットとは当時ならなかったが、今でもメジャ-クラブではかけられている『Motivation』 と『Extract 』。ラテン要素の強く軽やかで華やかにダンスフロアをライティングしてくれる『duende』 『interplay』や『Return of LB』 も収録。30年以上たった今でも斬新かつフロアむけであり続け、今日のダンス音楽プロデュ-サ―たちをインスパイアし続けている作品は少ないだろう。。

Right there first ever release "dancing in outer space" became an immortal, slighty off-kilter discohit and made Atmosfear not only the frontrunners of the then thriving UK Jazz-Funk movement but one of the most influential british bands of the 80es. With it's instantly recognizable intro, an extra tight drum beat, anthemic horn melody and spaced out synth work  it still inflames every dancefloor and continues to inspire dancemusic producers to this day. Their follow up double A Side 12" Motivation/ Extract didn't become major chart hits back then but both are smashin tunes in their own right and remain major club classics to this day. Tracks like "duende" "interplay" and the beautiful, latin-drenched "Return of LB" are all taken from "En Trance", their fantastic debut album and the only one the band recorded in their original line-up. Shortly before the album's release the band split up in two, and the last song written together "Xtra Special" already appeared in two different versions: continued here is the US release with singer Dolette MacDonald: already slower paced than their earlier outings this remains one of the finest boogie-funk anthems. this is a cracking collection from start to finish proving that some bands only need a handful release in a very short time to leave their mark on music history. (Constantin)