Daddy G

Massive Attack

レジェンドのなかのレジェンドと称される、DADDY G こと GRANT MARSHALL。
15年以上に渡りグローバルに活躍するDADDY G。そのスピリットは、ありとあらゆるジャンルのアーティスト達にも多大な影響を与えてきた。MASSIVE ATTACK として活躍する以前は、DJ としてその名を轟かせていた。当時、姉の友人の影響もあり10歳という若さでミックステープを作成し、頭角を現し出し、その卓越したセンスで1980年にはブリストルで一番の若手 DJ としての地位を確立していた。彼がかける斬新な DISCO、PUNK FUNK、SOUL、DUB 、REGGAE には、多くのファンが虜になり、そのファンの熱狂ぶりからも、彼の DJ セットがどれだけ他のアーティストと一線を期していたことかがうかがう事ができる。
その選曲やミックスのスキルのみならず、マイクをも自由に操るDADDY G。あらゆる DJ が存在する中で、彼がクリエイトするミュージック・ワールドには、他では魅る事とができない、とても特別な暖かみと存在感を感じる事が出来る。

You may consider Grant Marshall, a.k.a. Daddy G as spiritus rector of what has historically become known as the “Bristol Sound”. It´s that laid back sound that breathes dub, reggae, funk, disco and hip hop, represented by protagonists like Massive Attack, Smith & Mighty, Tricky and Portishead. A sound that left its global traces for more than one and a half decades. And Daddy G is its spiritus rector because he was one of the founders of the Wild Bunch Sound System, out of which later Massive Attack emerged. Besides Mushroom and 3-D, Daddy G was both one of the core members of the group as well as one of the group´s main voices.

Way before being part of a band though, Daddy G was known as a DJ. As a ten year old he already recorded mix tapes, inspired by the DJ boyfriend of his older sister. 1980 he was one of the youngest Bristol DJs, quickly establishing his name as a synonym for an eclectic music style. At the parties at which G played, one could always hear the newest in disco, fresh punk funk from NY, the first rap imports as well as soul and dub reggae.

When the Wild Bunch Sound System was founded, Daddy G already was a local celebrity. His DJ sets were not only legendary because of their selection and his mixing skills, but because he rocked the microphone as versatile as the wheels of steel.
There are DJs, that get their kicks from playing out obscure white labels that no one knows. And then there´s DJs who simply enjoy playing their favourite records. Daddy G belongs to the latter.