




2016年よりMax/MSPを使用したライブテクノプロジェクト“Distra”を始動。2017年にElectric PressureよりEP「ShDI」(Vinyl/Digital)をリリース等、ヨーロッパを中心にリリースを重ねる。2018年にはアテネにてBlush Responseとの2ヘッドライナーを努める。

Born in Tokyo, Japan. He started playing with Piano from his early age. After beginning composition in the age of 19, he decided to study abroad in Berklee college of Music in Boston. In addition to the comprehensive music knowledge and theory, which varies from Classical music to Jazz and various modern music, he devoted himself into audio programming languages, such as Max/MSP, Csound, etc.

As a solo artist, he focuses on generating sounds from mathmatic algorithms such as life automata, strange attractors, and modifying them to physically perceivable beat. He announces his first solo album “Phenomena” (Kaico) in 2013. By its uniqueness of high frequency noise and heavy beats, his floor-oriented glitchy techno stlye met with a favorable reception and the album has got international media praises.