1988年、大阪でDJ見習いとして始動。時代は『DISCO』から『CLUB』 へと移り行く中、Frankie Knuckles に影響を受け、HOUSE DJとして90年より京都当時の主要クラブ『DISCO HALL KYOTO』『GAIA』『TRUE』と専属DJ-CREWとして数多くの国内外のDJ・アーティストのサポートを努めスキルを磨き、95年にフリーとなり国内数々のクラブを渡り歩き、他方面でゲストとして参戦。自らのPartyも展開していく。
2002~03年、"Heart Beat "@Kyoto WORLD でのレギュラーパーティーを最後に単身、上海に渡り活動の場を拡大。
当時まだ無名だったクラブ "Dragon Club" のレジテントDJとしてサポート。徐々に欧米人クラウドから高い人気を集める。後に "Dragon Club" は上海屈指のクラブへと変貌を遂げる。
そして 上海"Dragon Club" をホームグラウンドとし、上海の数々の主要クラブのレギュラーとして活躍する。その後、2007年に帰国。 帰国後は大阪を拠点にDJとして活動を続け、GRAND CafeやONZIEMU、UNIONを始め、様々なclubにてゲストDJとして活動。2015~2017年にはHouse Music Party "Rhythm Reflection"@MUSE のレギュラーを務める一方で、老舗ホテル”ニューオオタニ大阪”のSkyLonuge”フォーシーズンズ”にてLounge,Chillout Dj のレギュラーも務めるなど幅広く活躍する。

現在も自身が主宰する、毎月第一土曜開催のHouse Party "BEYOND"@house bar museと
毎月第4木曜日開催の"SPACE BABBLES"@Ye lai Xiang

"THE JOURNEY"@upside downを不定期で展開中。

関西を軸に多くのレギュラーイベントを抱え、今なお幅広い年齢層に支持されている、”Hoshika a.k.a BABU”。Garage、Soul、Funk、DiscoといったRootsを持つ彼のスタイルは基本黒く、骨太であり、80’s&90’sのHouse Classicsから最新のDeep、Soulful、Afro、Jackin、Techまで、あらゆるハウスを偏ることなく広くプレイし、音楽に詳しくない人をも揺らすプレイが特徴的である。

In 1988, he started as an apprentice DJ in Osaka. As the era shifted from "disco" to "club," he was influenced by Frankie Knuckles and became a HOUSE DJ in 1990, supporting many domestic and international DJs and artists as an exclusive DJ-CREW at "DISCO HALL KYOTO," "GAIA" and "TRUE," the main clubs in Kyoto at the time. In 1995, he became a freelance DJ and has been performing at numerous clubs in Japan and abroad as a guest DJ. He also started his own parties.
In 2002~03, after his last regular party at "Heart Beat" @Kyoto WORLD, he moved to Shanghai by himself to expand his activities.
He supported the then still unknown club "Dragon Club" as a resident DJ. Gradually, he gained popularity among Western crowds. Later, "Dragon Club" was transformed into one of the best clubs in Shanghai.
He made "Dragon Club" his home ground and became a regular DJ at many major clubs in Shanghai. He returned to Japan in 2007. From 2015 to 2017, he was a regular at the House Music Party "Rhythm Reflection" @MUSE, and also a regular at the long-established hotel "Rhythm Reflection" @MUSE. In 2015~2017, he was a regular at the House Music Party "Rhythm Reflection" @MUSE, as well as a regular Lounge and Chillout Dj at SkyLonuge "Four Seasons" at the long-established hotel "New Otani Osaka".
Currently, he is also the organizer of "BEYOND" @house bar muse, a house party held on the first Saturday of every month, and "Chillout Dj" held on the fourth Thursday of every month.
SPACE BABBLES" @Ye lai Xiang on the 4th Thursday of every month
"THE JOURNEY" @upside down is held irregularly.

Hoshika a.k.a BABU" has many regular events in Kansai and is still supported by people of all ages. He plays a wide range of house music from 80's & 90's House Classics to the latest Deep, Soulful, Afro, Jackin, and Tech, without any bias. He is a genuine DJ with a career spanning more than 30 years.
His genuine DJ style, which has been developed over 30 years of his career, will take the crowd to a dream world tonight as well.