SURVIVAL DANCE presents Yellow Submarine



海外からゲストアーティストを呼ばず、自らが主役になることを信条として、SATOSHI OTSUKI、KIKIORIX、TAKUYA を中心に2010年夏にパーティーをスタート。多くのアップカミングな国内アーティストがそのコンセプトに賛同した。
震災後、シーンも落ち着き始めた昨年8月、12月と「NIGHT SAFARI」というテーマを掲げて開催。その成功は WOMB ADVENTURE'11のメインフロア Luciano 率いる Cadenza クルーと彼ら3人のクレジットが並んだことで証明された。

2012年、そんな SURVIVAL DANCE がまた新たな展開を提示してきた。



It has been a year since the earth quake on March 11th. It changed the world in many ways, affecting the scene which we stand on. However, there were a team which they wish for the restart and reborn of the party scene.

Their name is "SURVIVAL DANCE".

SURVIVAL DANCE is the party launched by Japanese artist team lead by SATOSHI OTSUKI, KIKIORIX and TAKUYA. Unlike the other typical party, this team do not wish to invite foreign artist but to lead the scene themselves. Now, many up coming domestic Japanese artists have raised their hands and gathered under this concepts.

After the earthquake on March 11th, under the concept "NIGHT SAFARI", SURVIVAL DANCE was held in August and December. Also the team have performed at the opening act of WOMB ADVENTURE'11, just before one of the best artist in the world, Luciano.

This year, the SURVIVAL DANCE will evolve to the next level.
The concept of this year's SURVIVAL DANCE is "COLOR". By focusing the color, they aim to unite with all the artist, staff, audience as one crowd.

They says, "Everything is to create a best party ever. We do everything to have fun at the party"